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Nobody has ever seen Yoongi like this, not even Jin who's been with him the longest. To say that Yoongi looks worried is an understatement. He hasn't said a word since he left the tunnels, blankly staring at the wall. His worst nightmare, the one scenario that never left his mind came true. It's all coming true.

His mind is a mess, he can't think straight. He promised Jimin that he'd protect him, he promised that he'd keep him safe. And he failed.
God, he can't stop shaking.

Namjoon looks equally as stressed out, silently rubbing his temples and bouncing with his leg, glancing at Yoongi every now and then. His body is littered with bruises from Yoongi struggling to break free from his hold, but he doesn't complain. He knows that Yoongi didn't mean to hurt him.
He knows that he would feel the same if Jungkook, Hoseok or Jin would be abducted instead.

Hoseok pulled through. Jin managed to remove the bullets and stabilize him. He's lost a lot of blood, but he's going to recover.

"W-What are we going to do?" Jungkook asks shakily. He's on the verge of tears, hating the atmosphere and the silence in the room. They can't just do nothing. Jimin's life is on the line. "Kook–" Namjoon starts but the youngest cuts him off. "No! Jimin is out there, terrified and probably hurt! And we're just sitting around!" Tears sting his eyes and he looks at Yoongi, hoping for him to say something.

"We'll come up with something, just take a deep breath, Kook. Calm down," Namjoon mumbles, approaching him. "I'm just afraid," Jungkook whimpers and buries his face in Namjoon's chest. "We all are." He pulls Jungkook closer, rubbing his back.

Jungkook sniffles. "I don't understand. Why? What does Jackson want with him?" He asks in an undertone. "I don't know either. I wonder where–" Namjoon replies but cuts himself off, eyes going wide. "Warehouse! Jackson's gonna bring Jimin to his warehouse. He always keeps his prisoner there. The one in the middle of nowhere," he exclaims.

Jungkook's about to say something in response when Jin rushes into the room. "Hobi's awake."

As soon as all of them arrive in the hospital wing, Hoseok speaks up. He doesn't let them hug or comfort him, he needs to tell them what's going on. Jin helps him sit, letting him lean against his chest. He's weak, but the information he holds can't be kept hidden for any longer. "J-Jackson thinks you murdered Mark." Hoseok breathes shakily, as if the memory alone is terrifying enough to scare their spy.

"H-He isn't in his right s-state of mind, Hyung. He's gone mad. I...I've never seen him like this." Everyone feels the tension in the room rise. Yoongi stays silent. "I-I'm sorry for letting him get taken. I-I knew the moment we stepped into t-the tunnels that something wasn't right. I-I should've known–" Tears gather in his eyes. He feels incredibly guilty for letting Jimin get hurt. He swore to protect him from harm.

"You couldn't have known," Yoongi whispers, cutting his words. Hoseok looks up in surprise, one tear slipping down his cheek. "You've protected him with your life. Now rest. We'll get him back." The spy sniffles quietly, trying his best to keep himself from crying. The fact that Yoongi doesn't blame him takes so much weight off his shoulders.

Their leader turns to look at Namjoon. "We've wasted enough time. Get our car and the weapons ready. We'll get Jimin out of there by the morning," he orders and Namjoon immediately leaves the room. "What can I do?" Jungkook asks, determined to help. "Figure out a way into the warehouse."

The race against time begins.

"I hope he's okay," Hoseok whispers and nuzzles against Jin's arm, seeking comfort. "I'm sure he is, we'll save him," Jin replies and gently rubs over Hoseok's back as the spy finally starts breaking down, shaking in his hold. Jin sighs softly and rocks Hoseok in his arms like a mother would with her child.
"It's okay, I'm worried too." He covers Hoseok in a big blanket. "I...I need to come with y-you–" Hoseok starts but Jin immediately cuts him off with a glare. "Absolutely not. You stay here and recover."

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