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This chapter mentions anxiety as well as a panic attack. Viewer discretion advised.

It's currently midnight and Jimin lies on the bed in one of Yoongi's guest rooms, refusing to be near Yoongi for any longer but agreeing to stay at the mansion. He's heartbroken, not just because murder next to rape is the worst thing a human can do in his eyes, but because he fell for all of Yoongi's lies.

It seems like love really does make you blind.

The tears don't stop, no matter what he tries to do against it. Sleep isn't an option at the moment. He's feeling too anxious to let his eyes slide shut, afraid that someone, this enemy of Yoongi, is going to hurt him, maybe even kill him. It's not fair, he has nothing to do with all of this.

He doesn't deserve this; he doesn't want to live in fear.

After Yoongi told him everything, Jimin needed to get away from him, and needed time to process everything. He walked out of the room without any words and went into a guest room. If he needs to stay here, he's going to choose where and that's as far as possible from Min Yoongi.

The urge to call his best friend, cry into his arms and tell him that he's been right all along is barely resistible. Yoongi is bad news.

But talking to Taehyung is impossible. He would only pull Taehyung down with him and bring him into danger as well. The only contact he's able to have with Taehyung during this time is talking with him on the phone or texting him. He hopes nobody finds out about him and starts threatening him as well. Jimin would be crushed. He doesn't want to die.

Why does he have to suffer simply because he fell in love?

There are a few things that didn't add up whenever Jimin would think too much about things Yoongi told him, but he always ignored them. How foolish of him now that he looks back. He blindly trusted a man, listening to his naive heart that always sees the good in people. How foolish of him to trust whatever the older male said and let himself fall in love with someone like him.

Soft sobs leave his mouth and Jimin hides his face in a pillow, wanting to forget everything he just heard. With time, his sobs grow louder and he feels like someone's stabbing him over and over, all the sweet memories with Yoongi now ruined. He fell right into his trap. What if Yoongi did want to hurt him?

He doesn't know that Yoongi hears him, silently sitting in front of the door just in case Jimin needs something or someone. He's ready to do anything as long as it keeps Jimin safe. His heart too feels like it's broken. He never wanted to bring Jimin in this position, in this great danger but he did it. And it's too late to stop.

Anger, fear, betrayal, sadness and panic, all these emotions overwhelm Jimin. It's like a wave of emotions crashing down on him and even though Yoongi is the last person he wants to see, he's also the first person that comes to his mind when he thinks about wanting to be held. Jimin's mind is running wild but this time, he can't seem to catch his breath, one emotion taking full control over him. Panic.

Within seconds his breathing hitches in his throat and he feels like he can't breathe, soft gasps leaving his mouth. Even more anxious about the sudden reaction of his body, he attempts to breathe deeply but just doesn't get enough air. He's having a panic attack. Jimin places a hand on his tummy, trying to take a deep breath. He needs to calm down.

Breathe in and breathe out, he reminds himself, slowly counting up to five before exhaling again, the pressure on his chest slowly fading. He tenses his muscles before relaxing them again, repeating the exercise until his breathing changes back to normal, the panic slowly leaving his body.

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