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I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm at six in the morning, telling me that I have to get ready for the day. I groan and bury my face in my pillow, before I eventually get up.

I head to the bathroom first, taking a shower while brushing my teeth. Some people might say that's disgusting but I think it saves time.

Once I'm done in the shower, I put on some boxers and a sports bra, before walking out of the bathroom and into my closet.

I pick some blue jeans and a white shirt. I put it on and then look for some shoes, deciding on some simple brown Chelsea boots and then head downstairs to get myself some breakfast.  

 I cut some fruit and then place it in a bowl along with some yogurt

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 I cut some fruit and then place it in a bowl along with some yogurt. Once I'm done eating, I put my bowl into the dishwasher and because I still have some time left, I decide to get started on my laundry before I'm heading to the interview in about half an hour.

Once the laundry is in the laundry machine, I grab my phone and purse before heading to my garage where I grab the keys to my black Mercedes AMG GT Roadster and get inside.

I'm not gonna lie that thing was pretty expensive when I bought it about four years ago. It was my first car and because I wasn't quite as popular, I had to work quite hard for it too. My now I have the money fro it if I do like three photo shoots but back then I had to attend tons of competitions and even get a job at my parents business.

They own a family company and they expect me to take it over at some point but I'm not sure I want that. I mean sitting at a desk fourteen hours a day, having meetings and do nothing but paperwork... doesn't sound much entertaining to me.

I earn money with doing sports and I plan on doing so for a few more years so that I hopefully don't have to work anymore once my career is over.

I turn on the car, enjoying the roaring sound and then drive off to the first interview.

The traffic in New York is the sheer horror. I thought it would be though, because people are driving to work and all. I eventually reach the destination just in time, which I am happy about, because I don't really want Jonah complaining about how I am always late. Which I'm not by the way. It just happens from time to time.

I pull into a parking lot and grab my purse and phone from the passengers seat, before opening the door and getting out of the car. There are some paparazzi around, taking pictures and fans holding posters with my name up which I think is really sweet.

I walk past them, waving at them, smiling for the paps and sign some things for the little fans. I really love children. They are just so cute and innocent. I wanna have kids too some day. It's something I've always wanted. But to have kids, I should get myself a wife first, which wouldn't be hard at all, because almost every woman on this planet wants me. The only problem is that I don't want them.

I enter the tall building, walking through the large glass doors that are being opened by some men dressed in black suits. I'm happy that I don't have a bodyguard, though my parents told me more than one time that they wanted me to have one. I always answered with the argument that I could take care of myself, which was true. I had once punched a paparazzi for following me home and let's just say he didn't look quite well and had to stay at the hospital for a week. Jonah had a lot of stress because of that and I felt guilty for that but he said it was alright.

I enter the elevator and press the button for the fifth floor where the interview would be held. Once the doors open, I'm immediately greeted by Jonah, who is wearing a dark blue suit with a white shirt underneath, his hair combed back nicely.

"Finally!" He exclaims as he sees me walking out of the elevator, making me look at my watch, furrowing my eyebrows because I'm not even late.

"Hey, I'm on time!" I shoot back and he rolls his eyes. "Maybe, but you better be here earlier so we can start earlier, which means we all get to be home earlier." He offers and I hum an acknowledgment.

"Alright, you go in there and get ready. They need you out there in fifteen." The dark haired man informs me, pointing towards a door.

I walk towards the door, opening it, being greeted by the hair and make up crew. They make me sit down in front of a mirror and start applying very few make up and then get started on my hair. Since my hair is short and I already styled it before coming here, they only do some touch ups and then I'm ready.

I then head to the interview room, where they are setting up the lights. There are chairs set up and it's a really nice atmosphere.

They make me sit down and some seconds later, the interviewer sits down on the other chair. I introduce myself and he does the same. He tells me that whenever I don't wanna answer a question, I can just tell him and they would cut it out.

I hope they won't ask any questions about my relationship with Danielle, because even though we made our breakup public pretty soon after it happened, I don't want to elaborate on the reasons and I don't want to accidentally say something about her relationship with Stefania.

Soon the interview starts. "Hello everyone, today we are here with Olympian athlete Y/n Y/l/n. Y/n, it's great to have you here." The interviewer starts, looking into the camera and then back at me.

"Hi, Well I'm happy to be here." I reply, looking into the camera too. "So, Y/n we had your fans send in questions they would like you to answer, so if that's alright with you, I will read a few of them to you." The interviewer asks and I nod. "Sure, go ahead." I assure him.

"Okay, first question: Who is your role model?" He asks me, reading the question from a card in his hands. "My role model is Usain Bolt. Since I fist saw him on TV running, I was like: 'This man. I want to do what he does.' I was about eight I think. And he has been my role model ever since." I answer, smiling.

The interview goes on with questions about my favorite fan interaction and how I feel about breaking two records or what I eat, which I found quite an odd question but answered either way, thinking it was a funny question even though it was an odd one.

"And for the last question someone wanted to know if you are still in touch with Danielle Savre after your breakup." The interviewer asks his final question and I have to think for a second, before I answer, thinking about what the best words are.

"We are still in touch, yes. We didn't end our relationship because something bad happened. Our lives just went into different directions and we thought it would be the best to end our relationship. We are still friends though and I'm looking forward to catch up with her sometime." I say, not really going into details about our breakup and keeping shut about Stefania.

"Well, thank you for answering the questions and maybe we'll have you again sometime." The interviewer finishes off and I say a quick thank you and then the camera goes off.

That's what the rest of the day looks like pretty much, so once we finish the last interview at six in the evening, I'm pretty tired.

Once I'm in my car I make my way back home, which takes about thirty minuets because of the traffic being a pain in the ass once again.  

A/N Here's the new chapter folks! Hope you like it. Next one on Tuesday. 

Love y'all


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