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I'm gonna start training again today and I am really exited. Stefani and I texted a whole lot yesterday and the day before, agreeing on a day for our first date, which will be on Saturday evening.

Right now I am getting ready to head off to the sports ground of NYU. I have some connections to a sports coach who works there so we are allowed to train there, which is very kind. 

I just threw on some running shorts and put a matching black tee on, since it's not really cold outside

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I just threw on some running shorts and put a matching black tee on, since it's not really cold outside. I grabbed my bottles from the kitchen and grab my other stuff, before heading to the garage.

Practice goes as always, warming up first, then some stretching and then some leg exercises that in the long run make you run faster. Sara really know what she is doing and I really appreciate that.

She studied sports at a sports university in England, which is why she knows so much stuff. We met about a week after she moved to New York almost four years ago. It was at a Starbucks in Manhattan and the barista accidentally messed up with the names. We quickly became friends after that first encounter and one thing led to another we hooked up but then I met Danielle and we decided that friends is what we wanted to be and then she became my coach.

Sara is a great friend and I really appreciate the fact that she agreed to being my 'personal trainer'. It's nice to have someone who helps you to get better but that you can also talk to. I enjoy talking to Avery but he seems to hate sports more than anything in this world so he would never even think about going on a run or even a simple workout. He would just lay on the couch and let his metabolism do all the work, which is pretty unfair if you ask me because most people have to work hard in order to stay in shape.

Practice goes well and the time flies by like nothing. I also decided to for now tell nobody about what happened on Sunday, because well it's not only my decision if I tell anyone. I wouldn't want to hurt Stefani in any way and I am pretty sure that doing something like this without at least talking to her about it would hurt her. Also it seems way too early to tell people, because we haven't even been on a date.

I have to come up with some excuses for Sara though, because she keeps asking why I am smiling so much and telling her that I'm just happy seemed to work. It is usually very hard to make Sara believe when you lie to her, because she basically is a human lie detector, which at some points comes in handy but can also be a massive pain in the ass.

Anyway. Practice went well and it was exhausting to say the least. I already know that my legs will be a little sore tomorrow but I also know that it is normal because I haven't been training for more than a week, which means my body needs to get used to practice on an almost daily basis again. Because if I wanna stay in shape and stay on the level of my newly set record, I must be invested.

Also there is the competition with all the sponsors going on in around three weeks and I wanna be first place.

What I like about these competitions is that I get to do disciplines that I get to do disciplines that I don't get to do at the Olympics because of I don't know what rule, people are only allowed to do one discipline.

So in the upcoming competition I'll do my usual sprints, 400 meter hurdles and long jump. The last one being the thing we are going to focus on this week. Next week will be hurdles and the week before we'll do a bit of both, which will require for me to train six times a week instead of four.

This is an insane schedule and I already know that it's gonna be exhausting but that in the end, it'll be worth it because we might get another sponsor on board which is great.

When I am back home, I take a long and hot shower, before making some lunch. You'd think as an athlete you can't eat anything but there are many, many great options. Not all carbs are bad for example. They are one of the most important parts in an athlete's diet. That's why I can eat almost as much pasta as I want. You only shouldn't eat it right before an event you are competing in, because the fiber can cause gastrointestinal stress, which is something you really don't want before a competition.

So today my meal will be salmon with loads of vegetables.

Once my food is ready, I put it on a plate and sit down at the kitchen table, opening up my laptop. Jonah sent me a bunch of mails with the stuff that's on the schedule once the competition is over because I won't really have time for the whole publicity stuff when I'm training. And if I have free time in between, I can definitely imagine spending them way better than with interviews at talk shows.

Apparently I have an interview with none other than Jimmy Fallon in one week though, which might get a little awkward because of the incident at the Golden Globes, which he hopefully has forgotten about by then. And if not, then oh, well. There's nothing I could do about it, right? Since the interview is sceduled in the early beginning of my training process I was able to agree to being on the show. 

I am still a little anxious about it though. 

I scroll my way trough all the mails and send some answers out here and there. There are some mails that I ask Jonah about here and there so that I can answer them and by the time I'm finished with the food, I'm also finished with the mails. Seems like I once timed something well.

Over the past few days I finished 'Islands of Mercy' so it's no surprise that you can find me in the library of the house once again. The library is my second favorite place in this house. The first one being the garden, which is the best thing ever.

The library walls are the highest in the house, being seven meters high. This room is the only one that I held in a slightly rustic style. Well, I like to call it rustic because it looks old. It's basically how you would imagine an old library, just smaller. There are high book shelves on every side of the room. On one side you can find an 'O' shaped shelf, the middle being filled out with a repaint of Michelangelo's 'The Creation of Adam'. My Dad designed this room with my Mom and it turned out pretty amazing. It has this mega aesthetic flair which is just amazing.

I take my time strolling through the bookshelves and eventually find 'Frankenstein' by Mary Shelly. Okay, okay, you can judge me for my taste in books but it's a classic.

Since it is still warm outside, so I decide to take my reading outside. I place the book on the small coffee table that is next to the hammock that is hanging between two apple trees and quickly head back inside, grabbing myself a glass with ice cubes and pour some of the whiskey that is left from when Stefani was over, before heading back outside, sunglasses resting on my head as the sun is shining.

I place the whiskey glass onto the small table as well and then get into the hammock. Once I am laying rather secure, I grab the book and the glass and start reading.

Since it's still warm and I'm not expecting any visitors, I am just wearing a black sports bra and a pair of shorts. This also allows me to get some tan. 

A/N Here's the new chapter y'all! Hope you like it. 

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