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We stumble back into the hotel room, giggling like fools as she tugs on my shirt and jacket. As soon as the door falls closed behind us, I throw the jacket to the floor and pick Stefani up, her legs wrapping around my waist instantly. Our lips connect in a heated kiss and her hands in my hair have me gasp here and there when she tugs at it.

I turn around easily and press her up against the door, my mouth traveling to her neck while I do so. My teeth tug at the skin of her neck and I leave a few marks. I think I might get shit for these tomorrow but even if I do, who cares. I can hear sighs of pleasure escape her lips and take it as an invitation to leave a few more marks on her neck before I move down to mark her chest. Her hands in my hair feel like heaven and her breath gets heavier. "No teasing, please, babygirl." She breathes out before a small moan interrupts her words. I chuckle lowly. "How does that work, my love?" I ask and gently bite down on her earlobe, causing her to arch into me. "First you tease me by wearing this gorgeous outfit, then you expect me to be patient. Not to mention how you teased me at the club the whole night." I tell her as she drags my head back to her chest, eager for me to start working again.

I throw her onto the bed and she giggles again as I pull the transparent top over my head. Tonight was going to be messy, I already knew.

"Shit!" I hear Stefani groan next to me the next morning. I open my eyes to see what is going on but immediately close them again as I am blinded by the bright light in the room. My head hurts like shit right now and I can tell the tenth round of shots was maybe one too much in addition to the four cocktails I had last night.

"Can you close the blinds, please?" I hear Stefani's muffled voice, her face probably buried in the pillow to block the light. I groan again but get up, knowing that closing the blinds is gonna be better for me as well. I shield my eyes as much as possible and close the blinds before falling back into bed. "Thank you," Stefani mumbles, a content sigh leaving her mouth.

"No biggie," I reply, even though I won't deny that it was hard to get out of bed and that my bones and head are hurting like shit right now.

I can still taste the alcohol in my mouth and it fucking bothers me. After demanding whether or not I should brush my teeth, I eventually get up, groaning as I walk all the way to the bathroom. I grab my toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it, before looking into the mirror. The toothbrush is just in my mouth when I realize that I am fully naked. Shit. I only remember us coming back to the hotel room and making out for a while. The rest is pretty much a blur.

As I continue to analyze the depiction of me in the mirror, I notice a whole lot of marks on my body, going from my neck to my chest all the way down to my abdomen. This must have been one heck of a night. "Sweetheart?" I ask once I took a shower and finished in the bathroom, feeling a bit better now.

"Hmm." She hums in reply and I smile at her nude frame on the bed. I notice her neck covered in marks as well and slight scratch marks on her back. Damn. "Did you put that beautiful pattern on me last night?" I ask and she raises her head, her eyes squinted as she looks at my body. "Hell, yeah, I did." She speaks confidently. As she turns around, I can see the marks covering the front of her body as well. "So I guess that was me?" I ask, pointing at the marks on her body.

"Does my baby not remember last night?" She asks teasingly and I blush. "Oh, my baby does not remember last night." She states, her voice still teasing.

"I do remember coming back here and making out against that door." I try to defend myself, even though I know it's useless. I slip on some boxers before slipping back into bed.

"The rest is a blur.." I add and Stefani giggles sweetly. "And now my head hurts," I comment. "That's nothing strange, babygirl." She replies, resting her head on my chest. "What time is it?" She then asks. "One pm. Why?" I ask. Damn, we slept really long. "'Cause I'm hungry." She mutters against my chest. "Room service?" I ask and she hums in agreement.

Twenty minutes later, both of us are in our robes, having 'breakfast' in bed.

About an hour later, the headaches are somewhat close to gone, thank god for painkillers, and we have decided to just stay in the room for today.

We're heading back to New York tomorrow night so we have another day to enjoy Los Angeles before we have to return home to go after our jobs. I can feel That Stefani has been way more relaxed the last few days, having some time off work and just having time for her private life. Well, minus the two interviews but these also helped both of us relax.

But I know after there was relaxation, there is the stress coming afterwards. We have a lot to figure out. A lot to talk about. But something tells me we will figure it out. We'll figure out the tour, we'll figure out the filming. I can't stand long distance, I tried it with Danielle for some time, but that didn't work. I need someone to come home to. Well, metaphorically speaking. And since I don't know where she will be filming, this will be a problem we will probably encounter at some point.

The next day is spent enjoying the beach and pool for one last time before we fly back to New York. The jet-leg kicks in instantly when we hit the ground again and I just want to sleep again.

Matt is picking me up to get me home again and as soon as I sit in the car alone, I already miss Stefani again. Isn't it strange how fast a person becomes so important that when you are one second without them, you already miss them again?

A/N Well, here we are... end of the book. I have to say that this has been an incredible journey and I am looking forward to continure this story with a second book. Thank you all for the support for this story, without you, there wouldn't be a second book coming. At the point where you're reaing this, I have probably already started writing the second book. 

The date of the first chapter being published will be the 18th of October. 

The title will be : "The Singer" and I am thinking of writing this story in Stefani's POV as it will help to get more insight into the Tour and Filming. It will as well give me the opportunity to show her side of the relationship. 

Stay tuned, my fellow little monsters and I'll see you in two weeks. 

Love y'all so fucking much and thank you again. 


Btw.: Anyone interested in a face reveal? Just asking.

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