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Once I reach home, I take a look at my phone, seeing nine missed calls from Jonah, fifteen messages from Avery, two calls from Emma, and a message from Sara. Shit, what do I tell Them?

Before I can even unlock the door, my phone chimes again. Avery. Huh, seems like I won't have to call him then. Fuck you, Y/n. Are you still alive??! Okay, I might be in trouble and actually do have to call him. I quickly unlock the door and send him a text back. Yeah, I'm still alive. No need to freak out!

Seconds later my phone chimes again. Thank God! I thought you were murdered!

She's not the countess in real-life yk I write back and can almost feel him rolling his eyes over the screen.

That's it! I'm coming over you gotta tell me EVERYTHING!!! I'm bringing Emma on the way. Well, here's the trouble I called for.

Wait aren't you at James'? James is the guy he had the date with that day when he called me at the park. Seems like they get along very well.

I don't get a reply, so I decide that I better change real quick, before I have them standing in front of my door while I'm still dressed in yesterday's clothes. And while I'm at it I can't help but send a text to Stefani.

Me: Miss you already <3

I have no idea why I am acting like this honestly but it feels soooo good. I never felt this way about someone. Is that what all the hype is about? Is that what people call Love? Okay, maybe I should slow down there a little. I sure am falling for her but is this love? But what is the definition of love then? I mean I already miss her even though we haven't seen each other in what? Half an hour? Damn, I don't know what I am feeling anymore. I just know it feels very right.

My thoughts get interrupted when the doorbell won't stop ringing and I already know who is on the other side. "I'm coming!" I shout as I speed down the steps, wanting for the annoying sound to stop as soon as possible.

"Avery, I swear to god, one day Imma rip your head off!" I say as I open the door and as soon as he notices, he faces me, a bright 'innocent' smile on his face as if he didn't know what I was talking about or what he had done 'wrong'. "Child," I say as I open the door and Avery steps in, Emma appearing behind him. "Well done, Y/n. I gotta say." She speaks and gives me a fist bump that Avery luckily doesn't notice. Let me tell you, that man gets jealous very very fast.

"Okay, now talk." The blonde man prompts. "He's right. Spill the tea." Emma adds and I sigh, shaking my head.

"I'm not gonna tell you everything!" I mark and they roll their eyes in sync. I lead us to the living room and get something to drink for us. Something that neither of them seems to appreciate because they are just here for information. They didn't say that but body language and voice tell everything. Also, I can read Avery like an open book. He can't keep anything from me. Emma is a bit better at that though because she is a professional.

"What's taking you so long?!" I hear Avery yell, the sound coming in loud, echoing through the living room and kitchen area. "You wanna die of dehydration or not?" I shoot back and I swear I can hear Emma laugh a little.

I eventually come back and place the drinks on the coffee table in front of the sofa and sit down. "So, what do you already know?" I ask, not knowing what the articles say, which I assume they have their information from. "We just know that you went out with her. And that the press calls you the new Stefanielle." Damn, we are already compared to them when neither of our relationships are public?

"And what do you wanna know?" I question further, asking for specific questions so I can think about my words rather than spilling everything at once, knowing that Stefani and I didn't talk about what we say to our friends once they see the articles.

"Since when?" Avery then asks, not a split second later. "Since when what, Avery? You need to be a little more specific." Emma comments and Avery rolls his eyes. "I know they met about two weeks ago." He replies, looking at Emma with his 'Bitch Please' look. "I wanna know since when they are sleeping together, isn't that obvious?"

"Whoa, whoa slow down there, Aves!" I exclaim, almost spitting my water, not having expected that question that early on or even at all. But how could I forget that I am talking to Avery? Always expect the unexpected.

"Don't call me that!" He warns me, throwing hands. "You called for it. Next question." I respond, ignoring his question. "Not fair!" Avery goes to argue but Emma keeps him from saying anything else, cutting him off with a question to me. "I think what Avery was trying to ask was if that was your first date." She speaks, glaring at Avery.

"Yes, no. Kinda? We had dinner together after the photoshoot and met up for lunch the day after. Then she came over here once and then yesterday." I reply and I can see Avery fighting not to say everything that was threatening to come out of his mouth right now and the look on his face is kinda priceless.

He then takes a deep breath before he speaks his next words. "And you are telling us about that now?" He asks, trying to stay as calm as possible. "You never asked?" I offer, clueless about what I should say. "That's no good argument but I'll let it slide." He compromises.

I really don't know why Avery is so hyperactive about this. He seems like he is fangirling, which actually isn't that much of an uncommon thing. I have no idea how I managed to live around him for so long. Emma on the other side is the calm in the storm. It's really nice that she's here. Wouldn't want to be dealing with Avery's annoying ass all by myself.

I'm just kidding. I love them both and couldn't wish for better best friends.

"So, were you planning on telling us? I mean I know you were but at what point would you think it'd be the right time to tell us?" Emma asks. Damn these questions are stressing me out a little, not gonna lie.

"Well, I thought I'd talk to her about it and, you know, ask her if she was okay with me telling you at some point. I mean you were gonna find out at some point anyway. I know how much of a stalker both of you can be. But yeah, I thought I'd see where this is going and then decide further." I reply, revealing my little 'plan'.

"And where might this be going?" Emma asks further as Avery takes a sip of his water. "Honestly?" I ask and they both nod eagerly. "I think this might be going further than anything before. It feels like I have known her for way longer than two weeks. Heck, it feels like I have known her my whole life! I have no idea what I am feeling but it feels so fucking good."

"That's what she said." Avery comments and both Emma and I roll our eyes. "Really?" I ask and he shrugs. "What? It was funny." He replies, crossing his arms over his chest, pouting like a four-year-old.

"Though it might have come close to that." I say under my breath, bringing my glass to my lips. "What?" Emma and Avery ask in sync. "Huh? Oh, nothing." I say, hoping they didn't actually hear what I said. 

A/N Here's the new chapter guys! Hope you like it. Got the results of my Finals and they were great. Hope you have a great day as well.

Love y'all


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