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"If you are uncomfortable at any point, just say so and I will stop. And if you don't want to answer a question that's alright too, okay?" Jimmy informs me before he walks on stage. He is a really great guy, so polite and caring.

"Some of you might have seen her on the TV in the past weeks. She won the gold medal and broke Usain Bolt's Olympian record on two hundred meters. Please welcome Y/n Y/l/n!" Jimmy calls out to the audience. That's my cue. I straighten my shirt one last time and take a deep breath before walking out to the audience cheering.

I wave at them before sitting down on the chair closest to Jimmy. The crowd quiets down and Jimmy greets me properly. "It's so nice to see you! How are you?"

"I'm great. Thank you. I'm thrilled to be here!" I reply, adjusting my position in the chair. "Well, I'm glad you could come." - "Always!"

"So, it's been about two weeks since you won Olympian gold and broke the world record. How do you feel about that? Still starstruck?" He then asks.

"It's still unbelievable. But it feels truly amazing. Knowing you are faster than Usain Bolt is a great feeling." I reply and the audience and Jimmy snicker. "But Usain, if you're watching, I want you to know that I wouldn't b here today if it wasn't for you. You're my idol." I mark, looking straight into one camera.

"And what's up next for Y/n Y/l/n? I mean you just won Olympian gold, you have to keep going with competitions, right?" Jimmy asks further.

"Yes, correct. I have my next competition in 'round about two weeks." I smile at the thought of competing in another competition. "Are you excited?" He then asks.

"So much! I'm very excited to see some of my fellow athletes again. Noah Lyles for example." I offer and then take a sip of water from the glass on the small coffee table behind the chairs.

"You and Noah have been friends for quite some time, right?" He questions further.

"Yeah, we have been friends since we were kids. I wonder how you know that by the way. Never seen that fact on the internet." I tease, but I know that he has his sources.

"I have my sources." He smiles and I chuckle. "Your father might be one of them." He adds and my eyes go wide, the audience laughs. Damn, he's a good one on research.

"Really, Dad?" I question and look straight into the camera again, the audience snickering at the action once again.

"So, uhm there have been some rumors out there, which you don't have to comment on if you want to, by the way." Jimmy continues and I have a feeling where this is going but I'll hear the question first, before thinking if it would be a good idea to answer or not.

"I am aware of those rumors, yes," I reply, adjusting my position in the chair. "So, are they true?" Jimmy then asks, and I decide to take a neutral statement, rather than just fighting those rumors off, because I know that it would look suspicious if I were to deny the rumors and then only cause more if Stefani and I are seen anywhere together again.

"I mean we are both celebrities, so it's no surprise that after both of us got out of a relationship somewhat recently, people assume that we are a couple or dating when seen in public or hanging out together. That's how society works, right? But the only thing that I am gonna say about this is that Gaga and I met at a photo shoot we did for Calvin Klein and that we have been hanging out a lot since then. We are just two adults hanging out. Only the future can tell if there is going to be something else happening." I answer, trying to dodge giving an on-point answer.

"That's good to hear, but I'm gonna tell you that I have already seen some very good edits and memes about the two of you," Jimmy replies, a teasing smile on his face. "Oh, god no!" I giggle and bury my face in my hands in embarrassment.

I eventually pull them away a few seconds later, only to see Jimmy holding up a meme where you can see me and Kat talking while looking at Stefani, a few tables away from us.

"I wish someone would look at me the way Kat Dennings and Y/n Y/l/n look at Lady Gaga." Jimmy reads out the text above the picture and the audience laughs before he pulls out another one.

"When you see another girl/boy looking at your bae" He reads and I look at the picture beneath the text showing a picture of me and Stefani at the Golden Globes where I hug her, Adam Driver just a few feet away, looking at the two of us. Shit, do we already have a fandom like this?

The time flies by and soon enough the interview is over. It was really fun and much better than I initially expected it to go.

Jonah is already waiting outside for me and I say goodbye to him once I have my stuff and am about to head to my car.

I never thought that the interview would take four hours so once I get home I am more than tired and flop down on my bed without even changing my clothes. Thank god I am not an actress or something like this. Imagine having to stay up all day to shoot scenes. I'm already exhausted by an interview where I have just answered questions and played a little game.

I wake up at six am the next day by my alarm ripping me from my peaceful sleep. My stomach is already grumbling so I head downstairs to find something to eat. After that, I head back upstairs to get my sports clothes and head out for practice.

It's only a few more days till the competition and I am very excited. This also means that practice is gonna get more and more intense, so I'll probably be a bit more exhausted tomorrow. After I am done with practice and have taken a shower, I call Stefani. 

A/N Hey y'all! Hope you liked the chapter. I tried to get an update ready for last week but unfortunately couldn't make that happen. Anyway, here is the chapter for this week. Sorry that it's a little shorter than the others.

Stay gay, loves


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