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Some other people pass by from time to time and I guess because of my second drink, I feel more at ease being around so many famous people. I decide to not take my drinking any further than four beers because I don't want to be hungover tomorrow.

The after-party goes on and I can't stop thinking about Stefani coming over tomorrow. I see her again at the bar a few times when I get new drinks for the others and tell her some pick-up lines and then leave again, having to keep my hands to myself.

"You gonna sleep with her?" Kat asks me over the music. The others are on the dance floor, leaving just me and her standing at our table, watching over the drinks.

Kat had quite some drinks and by now is pretty drunk, which is why I'm not really surprised that she casually throws a question like this into the room. Nonetheless, it makes me blush a little.

"What- who- no." I stutter, making her grin at me. "You know exactly who I'm talking about." She smirks, making me sigh in defeat. "She's intoxicated." I simply reply.

"That doesn't answer my question, but okay." Kat shrugs. "But she's hot." She then adds, making me chuckle.

"I know!" I say, throwing my hands in the air, supporting my statement. "But I'm not doing anything because she probably doesn't even see me that way. I mean look at her, she is this famous, hot singer and I am me." I tell her, doubt coming to my mind once again that Stefani doesn't see me the way that I see her.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'd sleep with you if I didn't have a boyfriend." She says enthusiastically, trying to get my mood up a little. "Thank you?" I say a little confused, not knowing what to reply to that.

I wake up in my bed the next day, the sun shining right into my face. I groan a little as I sit up. We were out till three in the morning, which is why I'm still tired. Emma stayed at the hotel where the after-party was but I decided to head home, not wanting to stay at the hotel when I could just sleep in my bed.

I haven't seen Stefani since last night and I hope she comes over later. Once I took a shower and brushed my teeth, I shoot her a text, asking if she would still want to come over.

While I make breakfast, well almost lunch, because it is one in the afternoon, I feel my phone vibrate in the pocket of my joggers. I turn down the stove and pull it out to read the text. I immediately smile, when I see Stefani's name pop on the screen.

Stefi<3: Hey, beautiful, I'd love to come over later. How about I come over around three?

Wow, this is really happening, isn't it?

Me: Perfect:) See you then, love.

Why is flirting via text message so much easier than in real life? Anyways, Stefani asks for my address and I send it to her once I have my food all prepared to eat.

I'll start training again soon, and I'm already excited about that. There is the competition in three weeks and I am happy and also excited about that. As much stress as it is, I can't wait to be part of a competition again.

After I'm done eating, I clean up the house a little, not wanting my clothes to be displayed on every single piece of furniture I own. I also freshen myself up a little, applying dome deodorant and throwing on a tee, because I was running around in joggers and a sports bra all day. I also text Stefani that she doesn't need to dress up because we are just gonna watch some movies.

Once it is two, I can feel myself getting more and more nervous, which you can clearly see as my leg is bouncing constantly as I sit on the couch and scroll through my phone to distract me.

I get a text from Sara, telling me the training schedule for next week, starting on Wednesday. I agree with the schedule, knowing that I don't have anything better to do than hang around my house. Since I don't have another job, I have not really much to do when I'm not training.

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