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Turns out that I should have applied some sunscreen, because the next morning, my stomach and arms are a little red, while my legs, as expected are a little sore.

After I had a chilly day after practice yesterday with reading, Today I have to go see Mike for my weekly appointment where he makes sure my spine is alright and shit. I don't really know what he is doing, but I haven't been in physical pain for a long time, so I ain't complaining.

So after having breakfast at ten, I change into some black ripped jeans and a white shirt. After grabbing my phone, keys, and wallet, I slip on a black leather jacket and head over to Mike's practice.

The session also goes well and after an hour and a half, I am on my way to the supermarket, knowing that I should have gone for groceries way earlier this week.

There are some paps here and there and I throw some peace signs at them. Paps may be a pain in the ass sometimes and I wouldn't hesitate to punch them if they ever come too close or are annoying but until now, they haven't been as annoying as I always thought they would be when I started becoming more and more famous.

There also was a little girl around the age of ten asking for a picture, and who am I to say no to a sweet girl like this.

Once I am back home, I restock the fridge with the huge amount of food I bought and then change into clothes for garden work and free the rose bushes from the weeds that start to cover the bottom of them.

After I managed to free all ten bushes successfully, there are some cuts on my arms and I head inside to get them and myself a little cleaned up, before heading back outside, getting started on trimming the raspberry bushes in the back of the garden.

I love gardening. I love to be outside and since there isn't a lot of forest around here, this is my quiet place. Here I can get my mind off things and at the end of the day, I can see what I did, so it also helps when you think you are useless. Watering plants, cutting off dead branches. Those make me feel like I am actually helping, though I don't really know what I am helping the plants with other than surviving.

Other than the fact that gardening supports my mental health, it's nice to see what you can do if you just put a little work into it. Almost four years and I really like what I 'built' with my bare hands.

Once I am finished with everything, the sun is already going down and the clock shows seven pm, meaning I spent more than five hours outside in the garden.

My stomach is also making loud noises because I haven't had lunch today, having forgotten to eat because I was too focused on garden work. This forces me to get something to eat before I take a shower, unable to ignore the feeling of hunger for much longer.

Since I am bad with coming up with things right on the spot, at least when it comes to food, I decide to just go with some chicken Alfredo, knowing that I have all the ingredients and know-how to cook it.

It also reminds me that I'm gonna eat vegetarian until my date with Stefani because I know that only eating meat isn't quite good for the body.

Once my food is done, I quickly eat it, burning my mouth while doing so but the 'HASAFASHH' does its job, so why would I even try to eat slowly when I can just do this instead.

Anyone else would probably think that I was having some serious issues, because from what I have been told by my friends, well mostly Avery and Sara, It looks like I have some kind of physical disability. (Sorry if you do, by the way, I was just looking for a metaphor. Sorry if I happened to offend you, I didn't mean to).

I just managed to finish my food my phone rings. It's Stefani with a FaceTime call. There couldn't be a moment worse than this one right now, because I look like a mess. I quickly fix my hair a little and then pick up the phone.

There is a bright smile on Stefani's face, her hair a little mess, pulled up into a messy bun, a strand or two framing her face perfectly.

"You look hot." She greets me and I chuckle a little. "Well, hello to you too, love," I smirk into the camera.

"Sorry, I got a little distracted. Hi, baby." She apologizes, a blush appearing on her cheeks. My cheeks light up as well, because of the pet name but I don't think you can see it due to the dirt that is covering my face.

"It's alright." I smile at her. "I could say the same thing. You're hot too." I say, checking her out a little from what I can see on the small screen in front of me, unaware of the fact that I bite my lip at the sight.

"So, how is it going?" I ask, not really knowing how to start a conversation. This has always been awkward for me because I'm not usually a good conversation starter. "Good. Great actually. Can't wait for our date on Saturday." Stefani smiles a bright smile that makes me smile too. God, I love that smile already.

"Me neither." I smile. I am looking forward to it ever since we agreed on the date. Well, I am always looking forward to spending time with Stefani.

"How was your day?" Stefani then asks, snapping me out of my little trance, after we just stared at each other through the screen for a couple of seconds, neither of us saying a word.

"It was good, I guess. Did some garden work." I say, giving a little insight into what I did today. "So that's how you got dirt all over your body." She smirks at me through the phone and I chuckle lightly before agreeing. "Yeah."

"What are you doing tomorrow?" I ask out of interest. "I'm in the studio recording something." She reveals and before I can say anything about it, Stefani already reacts to the curious expression on my face.

"It's for the new project I told you about. But that's all I'm gonna tell you. Wouldn't want to take the element of surprise when you first hear it."

"I didn't say I wanted more information." I joke, throwing my hands in the air playfully. "You didn't but your face did." She explains. She already reads me like an open book, which is crazy because I'm usually not that easy to read.

"How about you? What are you up to tomorrow?" Stefani then asks, mirroring my question from a few seconds ago.

"Well, I'm training tomorrow and maybe if I have time, I'll clean my closet up a little and maybe go shopping afterward," I tell her, planning my day for tomorrow a little. I haven't cleaned up my closet in forever and I wanted to have it done before I went to Germany for the Olympics but I guess I just didn't think it'd be necessary, even though it absolutely is.

"Sounds fun. That actually reminds me that I have to do that too sometime soon. I don't even know how I make a complete mess in there all the time." Stefani thinks out loud. "You better don't overdo yourself while training. Wouldn't want you to be hurt." She then ads and it makes my heart feel warm because she already cares so much about me. Something that isn't always given. Especially when you know someone for only a short amount of time.

"Aww, you already worrying about me. That's so sweet, love." I tease and her cheeks immediately light up at it.

"Oh, stop it. Who wouldn't be worried about you?" She rhetorically throws into the room, her words accompanied by a few giggles, and I just smile in response.

"I'm sorry to cut you off but I really need to take a shower and get this dirt off me. It does have something but I prefer no dirt on my body." I tell her and she laughs sweetly at my words which has a smile appearing on my face in an instant.

I'm really not a funny person and she seems to laugh at every joke I make, which might be a little suspicious but I couldn't care less because her laugh really is music to my ears.

We say our goodbyes and once we hang up, the smile that was on my face all through the call is still present on my face. 

A/N Another chapter folks! Hope you like it. I'm writing my German finals tomorrow! Send Help!!

Love y'all


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