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I wake up to the sound of my door bell ringing nonstop, making me groan and get up. After I came home yesterday, I just fell straight on my bed and slept.

By now it is nine in the morning, which means I had about nine hours of sleep. The bell doesn't stop ringing, which means there can be only two people out there. Emma or Avery. Or both.

I walk down the stairs and eventually make it to the door opening it, revealing Avery and Emma to his left. Well I guess I was right about it being both of them. "Y/n!" Emma squeals and practically jumps at me, pulling me into a big, long hug.

"God, I missed you." I say once we we end our hug. "I missed you too." Emma replies, her British accent coming out strong.

Avery clears his throat in the back, making me look up at him. "Oh come on! You were to busy to talk to me yesterday because you got fucked so hard you couldn't walk properly." I say, pulling him into a short hug and then letting him go again. "Well, I have to put priorities!" He argues, making me and Emma snicker. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say." I reply and eventually step away from the door, letting the two of them enter.

We all sit down in the living room and I get something to drink for all of us and prepare a sandwich for myself since I haven't eaten anything yet and Emma and Avery already have.

Once I'm done in the kitchen I head back to the living room and sit down on the couch, placing my plate on the coffee table.

"So, since Avery was very busy getting laid and you were on the plane I have to tell you something..." I say, thinking that they should at least be aware that Stefani and I hung out after the photo shoot yesterday.

"What is it? Did you fuck with your modeling partner?" Avery asks eagerly and excited, making me roll my eyes. "Avery!" Emma exclaims, hitting his arm lightly. "What?!" he asks, throwing his hands in the air.

"No, Avery, I did not fuck with my modeling partner because my modeling partner was none other than Lady Gaga." I reveal and Avery gasps over-dramatically. "That's another reason to fuck with your modeling partner!" He explains, earning another hit on his arm from Emma.

"So, what happened? Tell us everything." Emma says interested, excitement behind her voice but not as obvious as in Avery's. I guess the acting skills are paying off.

I tell them about the photo shoot and how nervous I was and how we went to get food later. I tell them about how we share the obsession of Ninety day Fiance, which has Avery, of course, roll his eyes because he absolutely hates the show. I leave out some details in the story like her new album and how cute I thought she was when she was all sleepy. Well actually how I thought she was cute the whole time.

"Sounds like you like her." Emma says, setting her tea down on the coffee table. "Wha- no I don't. Well I do like her. How could you possibly not like her?" I try, struggling to find the right words, making Avery shoot me a teasing smile.

"Even if I liked her, I wouldn't stand a chance. She is just so amazing and I am me." I sigh, running a hand through my short hair. "Don't say that!" Emma says with a pout. "You're amazing and every woman would be happy to have you hers!" She tries to cheer my mood up a little.

"But I don't want any woman. That's the thing. I'm tired of one night stands. I don't even have to try to seduce anyone! They are just like 'Oh, hey, you're that intersex athlete, right? Your hot, let's fuck.' I just want something that lasts for a lifetime. I want what my parents have, what everyone else has. Is that too much to ask for?" I say, sighing again. Shit I didn't know that I felt this lonely.

"Okay, no more sad! You have to give it time. Weren't you the one saying you didn't want to take things too fast just some moments ago?" Avery points out, making me nod along. "You're going to the Golden Globes with Emma tomorrow. You can't be a complete mess." He finishes his little speech, making me think about it.

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