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"We're back again with Y/n Y/l/n, everyone!" Jimmy announces about five minutes later. During the break, we had some small talk and even talked to the audience a bit, while our makeup was getting touched up again. I must admit it can get quite warm under the large lights that are shining on you from the ceiling all the time.

I wave at the camera and we dive right back in. "So, looking back at your last competition. We saw you winning your sprints and under the top ten in the other two disciplines you have done." He starts.

"But what also happened to be a thing, was some sort of banner being held up by someone we all know." I nod and smile, knowing where this is going to go. He then shows a picture of Stefani holding up her cardboard banner.

"Y/N I WANNA HAVE YOUR BABIES!" He reads out loud so everyone knows what the sign is reading. "I think you know where this is leading, but how come Lady Gaga is holding up a sign saying she wants to have your babies?" He asks and the smile on my face seems to not be going away anytime soon.

"Well, that's a long story, Jimmy," I say and lean back into the chair dramatically, playing as if I was throwing my hair back, having the audience and him snicker.

"How about we start with the following question: Can you tell us how you got yourself in the situation of Lady Gaga accompanying you to your competition?" He asks, his hands resting on his desk as he looks at me, waiting for me to answer.

"That's what happens if you get yourself a girlfriend, Jimmy. You go everywhere together." The last sentence comes out a little muffled over the screaming audience.

"Okay, so this is why we have seen so many pictures and articles out there. The rumors are true?" He asks again, making sure everyone gets this while the audience calmed down a bit.

"It is, yes. I am dating Lady Gaga." Now even the dummies should have gotten it.

"From the pictures that are out, I can say that you two look amazing together. You both look very happy." He says, smiling as well.

"What can I say, we are really happy, aren't we honey?" I ask, looking over to where I can see the silhouette of Stefani backstage. "Yes, we are!" I can hear her yelling so everyone hears it. The audience cheers and screams again.

"Damn, you guys seem to be very excited about this!" I joke and they cheer even louder. Okay, seems like we don't have to worry about her fans not liking this.

"So, I've recently, just out of interest, scrolled through your social media feed. I mean I found the Olympics post and some other pictures of you at practice, but what I didn't expect was to find pictures of paintings. Now, I know you for about five years now. How. Come. I. Didn't. Know. You. Could. Paint?" He asks. The way he said it kind of reminds me of how he said 'Who cut that outta the movie?' When Stefani was on the show just about two months ago.

"It just never came up, I guess," I reply, leaning forward in the chair. "But I do enjoy painting and drawing. Sketching in particular. I haven't drawn in a while, but something or better someone made me pick up a pencil again." I say and everyone knows who that 'someone' is.

"You seem to be quite multitalented. What comes next? Singing?" Jimmy asks and I laugh, folding my hands together.

"Holiday first, and then whatever comes next. How do the French say? 'Que sera, sera'?" I say, trying to draw on my high school French skills, which seem to be existent somewhere in the back of my mind.

"I have been told somewhat recently that I have a nice voice though, so who knows what the future brings." I shrug.

"So you are an athlete, you can paint, you can sing. Is there anything you can't do?" Jimmy asks and I have to laugh being brought back to when Stefani and I danced in the kitchen and I stepped on her toes every two seconds.

"Oh, yes there is." I share and I think I could hear Stefani's laugh from backstage for a second. "And that would be?" Jimmy asks, leaning a bit closer, obviously very interested in my answer.

"I can't dance," I state, laughing. "I have no rhythm whatsoever. Not to mention that I step on people's toes when I try to slow dance." I explain.

"I would have loved to see that." Jimmy smiles and the audience laughs again. "I hope I'm gonna get better at that soon though, you see I have practically gotten myself a dance teacher as a girlfriend. She can do literally anything!" I say, using my hands to support my words.

Eventually, the conversation comes to an end and I head back backstage while Jimmy announces a break before announcing the second guest for the evening. I haven't seen who it was yet, so I'm interested in seeing who it is.

"You did amazing out there, handsome." Stefani immediately compliments as I approach her and have a seat next to her on a red sofa. "Thank you. I was a bit nervous. It felt weird that you were not there." I share and place a kiss on her lips, and she smiles.

"Now we have someone joining us, who makes little girls' dreams come true, directed by Greta Gerwing, here is the star of the currently filming movie Barbie. Margot Robbie, everyone!" Jimmy announces and the audience claps. Okay, now this is somewhat of a coincidence, isn't it? I mean how good are the chances of having the DCEU Harley Quinn and the actress who is going to play Harley Quinn in another universe in one room? Well, technically not one room per se, but you get the gist.

I look over at Stefani and she just shrugs. Seems like we both didn't know about her being on along with me.

Our eyes shift to the screen in front of us so we can follow the show.

Jimmy and Margot talk about the new movie for a few minutes and then change the topic. "So, I don't know if you're aware, but there is a second Joker movie coming out," Jimmy says, majorly talking to Margot, but the audience seems to like that just as well.

Margot nods, a toothy smile on her face. I won't deny that she's pretty, but please don't tell Stefani I said that.

"I have! The first one was amazing and I can't wait to see where they take it for the sequel!" The blonde says, she seems to be really interested in the project.

"Someone did their homework." Jimmy jokes and everyone laughs. "Did you see they want to make it a musical?!" She asks excitedly, practically jumping up and down in her seat.

"Yes, it seems like an interesting choice to me. But if you see the considerations for some roles, I can see it working out. Maybe they even win another Academy Award." Jimmy says, sticking to the topic for a bit more.

"The considerations are EVERYTHING I mean Lady Gaga as Harley?! Are you kidding me?!" Margot almost screams and everyone laughs at her being so enthusiastic about it.

I nudge Stefani, who at this point is also laughing. "She seems even more excited about this than you." I joke and Stefani continues to laugh.

"Someone is a big fan, I see." Jimmy teases. "Of course! How can you not love her?! She's amazing!" Margot proceeds to fangirl.

I decide to throw in a side commentary and yell, "I love her more!" Everyone outside laughs and Stefani playfully hits my arm. "Ouch." I pout. "You asked for it." Stefani giggles.

"Only 'cause she's your girlfriend!" Margot shouts back and the people start laughing again.

Oh man, this is good.

A/N new chapter folks! Hope y'all like it. C ya next week.

Love y'all

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