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 Once I'm finally home, I trade my jeans for some joggers and put my shirt away, not bothering to change into another top, I just leave the sports bra I'm wearing on and then head to the kitchen to make some food.

Once I'm done with making pasta, I devour it in what feels like ten minutes, because I haven't eaten anything since around one pm. That's the perks of being famous. When you have to do interviews, they are scheduled that you barely have time in between other than touching up your make up.

Once I'm done eating, I take a shower before flopping down on the couch and scrolling through my phone. I know that the interviews are gonna come out around next week and because I want to know Danielle's thoughts on the relationship question I give her a call.

Some seconds later the blonde's face appears on the screen.

D: Y/n, hey.

Me: Hey, Dani. How was your day?

D: It was good actually. Stefania and I went on a walk with Ford and Jeff before set and we just finished eating. How about yours?

Me: Right, that's why I was calling. I had some interviews going on today and they asked a question about if we were still in touch. I'm gonna send you the video later but I just wanted to know if you wanted them to cut something out. The interviews come out sometime next week so you'll have some time looking though them.

D: I'll take a look at it. Thanks for telling me.

Me: No problem. It's about both of us and I would never make choices like this without you.

Some seconds later Stefania appears in the frame, asking who Danielle was talking to. Then she saw my face on the screen and greeted me friendly.

Me: Hi, Stefania!

S: Congrats on your run!

Me: Thank you. Okay, Dani. I'll leave you all to your girlfriend. She's all yours now, Stef!

D: Bye, Y/n. And thank you again.

Me: No problem. See you.

I hang up and send the video to Danielle, before I turn on the TV, scrolling through social media while Friends plays in the background.

I see that Usain Bolt retweeted my Tweet, congratulating me, which has me fan-girling for a second and I can't help but send a screenshot to Sarah and Avery who are just as excited about it as I am.

I watch some more episodes of Friends, before I eventually head to bed. Luckily I have nothing going on tomorrow, so I will probably just sleep in and then have a chilly day and maybe take a run.

The next morning I wake up around eleven to my stomach grumbling, so I get out of my bed and head to the kitchen and make some pancakes. Once they are done I devour them as if I hadn't eaten anything in days and then head to the bathroom, getting my morning routine done. I leave the shower out though because I wanna go for a run once I'm done cleaning up the mess I made in the kitchen.

Once I'm done in the bathroom, I head to the kitchen and start to clean up my mess while I have some music playing in the background. I put the flour back in the cupboard along with the sugar and finish tidying up with putting the maple syrup back into another cupboard.

After that I head to my room to throw on some sports clothes. I grab some new boxers and slip them on, before grabbing some black shorts and a matching tank top and slip my running shoes on.

I grab my phone and keys before heading out and head to Central Park where I usually go jogging. I do have a home gym, but I much prefer running outside to running on the treadmill, so I only use it when the weather outside is either too hot or it is raining cats and dogs.

I put my earphones in and start running once I reach the park. While I'm running, I look around, seeing people play with a Frisbee or a ball and people having a picnic on the grass.

After running for about twenty minutes, I take a short break to catch my breath, sitting down on a free bench.

I zone out a little, getting lost in how beautiful and alive the park is today with all the families around. Being here in Central Park and watching people is like an escape from reality. You tend to forget all your worries and it's just happiness around you. There is joy everywhere and you can just escape for a moment.

"Excuse me?" I hear a soft voice calling next to me. I snap out of my sort of trance, shifting my gaze to the make eye contact with the person addressing me, only to be met with rather big sunglasses.

"Oh, sorry. I was in my own world... Is there anything I can help you with?" I ask the obviously smaller women, having helped people around the city out quite some time, telling them the way to their destination.

"You seemed to be thinking very deeply, so I just wanted to check in." The stranger replies gaining my surprise. "Checking on a stranger? Not something you see all day." I reply, quirking an eyebrow.

"You know, there is some little thing called kindness in this crazy world..." The woman woman smirks back at me, making my stomach flutter. Wow that's one of the prettiest smile I have ever seen.

"I didn't know there was." I joke, making the woman chuckle. "I'm fine... Just processing some things at the moment. Thanks for asking..." I say, pausing for her name.

"Angelina. Nice to meet you..." She says, copying my move from just seconds ago and I chuckle.

"Y/n. It's a pleasure, Angelina, pretty name by the way." I smile and see a faint blush appear on her defined cheeks. There is something familiar about her but I can't quite tell you what.

"Thank you, Y/n. If you don't mind me asking, what makes you sit here, so deep in your thoughts?" She asks with a smile on her face.

"You know just the usual. So many things going on and I don't even know where my head is at right now. Just a lot to process." I sigh, leaning back on the bench while trying to look behind the enormous glasses, covering most of the blonde's face.

"I know what you mean... This constant pressure of people expecting everything while you are just trying to be you... Society really is shit these days." She replies understandingly. I only met her a few minutes ago but she is such a gem. Like I can talk to her without feeling weird or some shit.

I chuckle, "Yeah... I remember that about five years ago, I thought if I could just run away, you know and live life the way I want to." I say, twirling the black ring on my pointer finger. "I totally get that." She replies, an understanding smile on her lips.

Then my phone goes off. Oh how I'm gonna cut the head of whoever is calling me right now.

I try to ignore it and don't pick up but whoever is calling me must have something important to say, because my phone goes off about three times in a row. "Maybe you should- you should take it." The stranger suggests, pointing to my phone in my pocket. I sigh and then nod. "Yeah. I- I probably should." And with than I pull my phone from my pocket.

As soon as I see the name on the display, I roll my eyes. Of course it was Avery. What did he want now?  

A/N Who do you think could be the mysterious stranger🤔

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