Like Us

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The doors of Casita opened for you without you having to ask. Julietta and Augustin were sitting in the front room, chatting as they sipped tea.

"Hola Y/N! Luisa is up in her room!" Augusin told you.

"Gracias señor y señorita!" they both smiled at you, returning to their conversation. you dashed up the stairs to Luisa. Her door let you in. She was sitting on the bed, playing with her thumbs. Her head darted up as the door opened.

"Hola, beautiful" she smiled big. You bounced over to her. You were excited to see her. You realized you became more and more desperate for her as you knew her more. She sat on the edge of the bed and wrapped her arms around your legs, looking up at you standing above her.

"I missed you" you kissed her.

Standing above her like this always got you excited. Luisa had always had to be the tough one, the strong one, the mature one. You loved being able to peer over her and treat her like a princess.

"It's been three hours." she giggled.

"Longest three hours of my life" You brushed her hair away from her face. She laughed, her breath ticking your neck. She sent shivers through your body. "You're addictive yknow"

"Am I?" Luisa said with a smirk.

"You are. It's not fair." You kissed her as she let out a breathy laugh.

"Maybe that was my plan all along. Getting you hooked on me" She kissed you

"Well, you are a mastermind and I have no choice but to respect your grand plan"

Luisa laughed. She sat up straighter and you held her face with both of your hands. Her face was warm in your hands. You kissed her slowly. She smiled,  and slid her hand under your skirt to touch your bare legs. Her fingers were cold. Your heart picked up pace. Luisa closed her eyes and tilted her head upwards past you. You just looked at her, trying to memorize every inch of her.

Luisa's eyes peered opened "What?" she noticed your stare.

"I'm just really glad i know you" You whispered.

Luisa laughed, "Sappy tonight, are we?"

You nodded confidently. You bent down to place a kiss on her neck. She pulled you into her lap, your legs straddling her. Your skirt pulled up around your waist, allowing for air to flow on your bare legs. You continued kissing her neck in every spot, leading back up to her lips. You wrapped your arms around Luisa's waist and held her close. Heat pulsing between you like an electric charge. Time felt like it was moving in slow motion. Luisa kissed you with a smile. You thought about Francesca, how she deserved to be happy like this. You hadn't realized you weren't kissing Luisa back.

"What's wrong, beautiful" Luisa whispered, her brows furrowed with concern.

You sighed. "It's nothing. I just got distracted" You forced a smile and attempted to continue kissing her.

Luisa frowned and leaned away from your kiss, spotting your bluff. "Something is bothering you though" She nudged your shoulder, indicating she wanted you to spit it out.

You sighed again, this time deeper and more genuine. "I saw an old friend today and I'm worried about her"

Luisa frowned. Her eyes were glossy and sparkling with worry, like a helpless little puppy. "I'm so sorry beautiful." she pushed a lock of hair behind your ear. "What has you so worried?"

"Well i kinda used to date her" you looked down in embarrassment.

"Oh god and you want to be with her" Her arms moved away from you.

"What?" it took you a second to process what she said. "Absolutely not Luisa. Didn't we just spend like fifteen minutes sucking face? I want to be with You"

Luisa let out a sigh of relief. Her arms moved back to their position on your back, hesitantly at first. You put the back of your hand to her red cheek, trying to cool it off and let her know you meant it. After a moment she nodded, indicating she wanted you to continue. She held you tighter too.

"She told me before that she's gay, and now she's married. To a man. And they're having a baby" You sighed, tears pooling at the corners of your eyes. "I just wish she could be with someone she actually could love."

"Like us" Luisa whispered.

You placed your head on Luisa's chest. You closed your eyes for a moment, taking in Luisa's presence. You thought for a moment what you would do without her, you didn't like that scenario so you let it leave your mind as quickly as it came. She rubbed your back with her palm. After a deep breath, you nodded.

"Like us"

Luisa Madrigal x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now