Present Company

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"Mama?" you shouted as you returned home. You didn't hear a response. "Mama?"

"What is it mi vida" your mom popped her head out of the kitchen, a hint of worry in her eyes. She wiped her hands on a towel tucked into the waistband of her skirt

"Oh are you busy?"

"No just working on dinner. Come in the kitchen"

You followed her into the kitchen as she asked, leaning up against the counter on the far end next to the sink. She stood by the stove, her back to you.

"There's something i want to tell you," you paused, taking a deep breath. "I um, I like girls. I'm gay."

She turned away from the stove, looking at you sympathetically, not getting too close though. She nodded, saying nothing. You looked down at your hands, playing with your thumbs nervously the way that Luisa so often did. Tell her about Luisa. Your eyes blurred and tears spilled out of your eyes.

"I'm sorry-"

She interrupted you with a hug, firm and urgent. The way mothers so lovingly do. A hug of protection and comfort. Your heart slowed a little. "You have nothing to be sorry for mi vida"

"Thank you" you whimpered. You didn't realize how scary this would be until you let out a sigh of relief so deep. It felt like coming up for air after being underwater for 5 minutes. She pulled you back from the hug to look at you, holding your elbows.

"I will always love you, Y/N no matter who you love."

She wiped tears from your eyes with her fingertips. Your father peaked out of the dining room, glittering silver hairs fell into his eyes, he pushed up his glasses and brushed the lone hairs back. He straightened up, gaining his confidence.

"She's right corazón" he joined in your hug. "Sorry for eavesdropping"

you giggled "I was gonna tell you too don't worry"

Your parents both laughed, hugging you from either side. You were so relieved to have told them. It was like flying.

"There's something else i should tell you too" You whispered, mid hug. They both perked up a little "I have a girlfriend"

"You do? Is she nice to you? Does she come from a good family?" Your mom questioned.

You laughed. "Yes. She treats me very good."

"Do we know her?" Your father asked.

"Yeah," You took a deep breath, "Luisa Madrigal is my girlfriend"

"Luisa Madrigal is Gay?" your mother let go of the hug in her shock. She looked at you with wide eyes. Your dad looked equally as shocked. You couldn't help but laugh at their surprise.

"So you're surprised about Luisa but not me?"

"Well i'm not saying we're not surprised" Your mother paused, "But I definitely found you and Francesca Guzman kissing in the back alley a time or two"

"You WHAT?" You were shocked at this revelation. You had always thought you and Francesca were so secretive. Your dad nodded in agreement with your mother, "I can't believe neither of you told me"

They both laughed. "We didn't want you to know we knew something you weren't ready to share with us yet" Your dad said. Your mother nodded.

"That's really thoughtful" you were tearing up again. They both hugged you again.

"So Luisa Madrigal, how long have you been together?" your dad said after a moment.

You honestly had never thought about how long you'd been together. You didn't even know when to start counting. Since the first time you kissed? or when you started officially 'seeing' each other? or when she asked you to be her girlfriend? but that was way later than when you were going steady. You hadn't realized how long it it was taking you to answer until you looked up at your dad who was looking at you like you were keeping him on the edge of his seat in anticipation.

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