Introduction chapter

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(Hi everyone I'm Fall! [short for falling or falling4themadrigals] I recently finished writing my other fan fiction story, 'Bruno x Reader [young triplets]'.)

(I decided to move on an write a fan fiction on Camilo because he's actually my age in comparison to Bruno who I had to age down in my other story!)

(Anyways I hope you all enjoy the chapter and please leave a vote!!)

You walked through town with your older sister Adela up towards Casita where everybody was going to celebrate the birthday of someone. You weren't exactly certain who it was because you barely knew anybody in town.

Your family which included you, your sister, your Abuela and your Abuelo, had only just moved to Encanto a couple months ago. You had been forced out of your old village after your parents had died and your grandparents had always believed that this place, Encanto, was real.

Your Abuela and Abuelo were both already up at Casita along with most of the town. You and your sister had arrived late, both of you having lost track of time playing cards back at your house.

As your sister sped ahead in a steady pace you slacked off, kicking every loose stone on the path as you walked. "Hurry up Y/n, we're already late!" Adela snapped, turning to face you.

"Calm down Señorita bossy." You muttered, kicking another stone. "I mean you don't always have to try so hard at being great at everything you do!" You said.

"I like being great, achieving my goals makes me feel happy with how I'm living my life!" Adela argued, brushing some invisible dust off her skirt.

"Yeah sure, whatever you say." You mutter, as Adela turned back around. As you reached the house it's doors swung open on its own and for some reason you weren't exactly surprised.

In your time in Encanto you'd already witnessed an extremely well built woman carrying over a ton of bricks and another beautiful one growing plants in your neighbour's garden.

"Wow..." Adela mumbled in awe. "Ooh a door that opened." You said with a teasing grin. "Oh shut up!" Adela said, whacking you on the arm.

"Back off!" You hissed, whacking her back as you walked inside. Adela and you pushed each other off and stopped at the edge of a dancing, happy crowd.

"Do you see Abuela and Abuelo?" You asked, trying to look out over the crowd. "Yeah, they're with some other adults talking." Adela said, being frustratingly taller than you even though you were only two years apart. Whilst Adela was taller than both your grandparents you were shorter. You weren't sure if everyone you knew was just tall or if your own body hated you.

"Oh hey, I see my friends over there!" Adela said, waving to people you couldn't see. "Okay bye squirt." She said and you scowled. You'd always hated that nickname but she always continued calling you by it no matter what you said.

You slunk through the crowd and found a relatively abandoned area. You leaned against the wall and searched the edge of the crowd in boredom for any familiar faces.

Even after two months in town you hadn't tried to make friends with anybody and you weren't planning to either. One annoyingly persistent girl, Mirabel, had found you alone in the market one day and offered to hang out with you.

You'd both become relatively good friends and spent most days together in town. You knew that she lived up in this house but wasn't bothered enough to try look for her.

You sighed and closed your eyes, leaning your head back against the wall. You felt a sudden tap on your shoulder and you jumped, banging your head on the wall with a groan. You whacked forwards with your hand subconsciously and felt your palm connect with somebody else's face.

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