There's short, then there's dwarf

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"So uh, do you want to join us?" You asked. "Sounds great!" Mirabel replied. "Love to!" Darcey added. You all headed back out and the band started up a new song.

Camilo pulled you to him and spun you around. You grinned as he dipped you back. He gave you a quick kiss and you heard somebody "awwing" behind you.

Camilo and you looked over at Cele, Cam and some other guy. "You guys are so cute!" Cele said with a goofy smile. Camilo lifted you back upright and you smiled at your friends.

"Hiiii, we saw you dancing and came over to say hi!" Cele said. "Well hello to you to!" Camilo replied. "Oh uh, this is Aaron by the way." Cam said, pointing his thumb at the other guy.

"Hey." Aaron said with a wave. "Nice to meet you!" You said, extending a hand for him to shake. He shook your hand with a smile, then Camilo's. "So uh, how long have you known Cam and Cele?" Camilo asked him.

"I only met Cam today but I've known Cele since she moved here." He replied. "Yeah we used to joke about stealing the miracle so everyone can have magic and live in equality!" Cele said with a laugh.

"Yeah you say those were jokes." Aaron said with a sigh. Cele paused, looking slightly confused. "Oh hey guys!" Mirabel said, walking over with Darcey and Antonio.

"Hi Mira!" Cele replied with a smile. "Hey." Aaron and Cam both said in unison. "I'm Aaron." He introduced himself, shaking both girls hands and giving Antonio a fist bump.

"Darcey!" Darcey added, smiling at the three new people. "The whole gang is here.. just missing Carlos and Cara now!" Mirabel joked.

Cam looked at the ground for a moment before looking back up with a plain smile. "So why have I never seen you guys around before?" Darcey asked Cam, Cele and Aaron.

"My god you're shorter than Cara." Cam said with a surprised expression. "Everyone keeps comparing me to her." Darcey replied with a laugh.

"Cara is short so you're practically a dwarf." Cele added as a joke. You all laughed and suddenly Cara and Carlos walked into the circle that had formed.

Cara glanced at Darcey leaning on Cams arm as she laughed and she frowned. Carlos and her were holding hands and she tightened her grip slightly.

You leant on Camilo, just enjoying the fact he was there to lean on and he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. "You're Cara right?" Darcey asked, resting her hand on Cams forearm.

Cara looked Darcey up and down with a cold gaze. "Yeah that's me, but who are you?" She asked. Darcey seemed a little confused at the slight hostility in Cara's tone. "Darcey." She answered.

"So Cam, how do you know Darcey?" Cara asked. "We only just met." Cam replied. Cara pursed her lips and Cam frowned, clearly knowing she only did this when she was agitated.

"Wow it's getting crowded." Mirabel said with a nervous laugh. "Can we go dance?" Antonio asked her. "Yeah of course!" Mirabel replied.

You glanced their way as they went off the dance. "So uh... am I sensing tension?" Carlos asked. Aaron shrugged and pulled at one of the straps on his overalls.

"Hey uh, how did you rip your sleeve?" You asked him, pointing at one of the sleeves on his shirt that was almost entirely ripped off.

"Oh it tore off when I fell off a roof." He replied. "Oh god!" Cele said with a gasp. "Don't worry, Julieta fixed me up quickly!" Aaron said with a smile.

"No way, do you draw!?" Darcey suddenly asked, pulling a pencil out of Cams leather pouch attached to his belt.

"Oh uh, I enjoy sketching." He replied, seeming happy. "Actually, he just carry's those pencils around to stab peoples eyes out." Cara said with an unimpressed expression on her face.

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