Steve and tony fight pt2

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Steve was packing his things when Natasha walked in to the room. "I'm done. You told me to give him a chance and I can't. He doesn't remember me and believes my story about that assignment was all a lie."

"So you're going to give up? Why?"

Steve stopped what he was doing then said, "Natasha, I can't. I'm done trying. Done being manipulated, done being friends with someone who hates me. I told you the truth," Steve raised his voice, "TOLD HIM THE TRUTH... and he," he looked away from Natasha and went back to packing, "so what. You've never given up before Cap. Don't give up now." Steve stopped what he was doing then sat down. Natasha joined him then said, "you more than anyone know what runs through Starks head. You more than anyone knows that deep down that the man you're friends..." she stopped when the door to Steve's room opened. Tony walked inside, "Steve?" Steve went back to packing, "Steve don't leave."

Steve looked down, "I'm done Stark. I've got a brother out there who needs me. I've got a world falling apart, and you yelling at me over the truth isn't helping me. There are some friends out there that are trying to fix hydra and have offered me a place to stay. Don't come after me. Don't look for me," Steve picked up his suitcase then looked at stark, "don't do anything. You don't understand, and you never will." tony yelled out, "then make me!!!"

Steve didn't do anything he just headed for the door. Tony grabbed his shoulder, that's when Steve shoved him off and to the floor. When he looked at tony there was fear in her eyes, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Steve ran out and never looked back.

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