The Invitation

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(Y/n)'s POV

Its been months since Zane's...departure. The ninja disbanded, all of us wanting to do something that didn't require saving the world.

I haven't heard from Senka since then, but I can't blame her.

I moved back in with the Bizzaro Ninja, and this time with Chip. He really likes the place and he gets along with Ember the most.

I've been Harumi and Scales Jr a lot, they seem to be doing just fine. I also made new friends within the Serpentine, I found that funny seeing how we were fighting them a while ago.

B.Z and Chip suggested that I get a hobby, that way I'm not laying in my room grieving all the time.

I started working in tech labs, it reminds me of Zane and it kinda made me feel better.

When I first started, people gave me little things to tinker with to see what I could do.

And since I learned so much from B.Z and Chip, I found out I could do quite a lot.

So now I'm the person they go to when they want something fixed or if they want something created that seems impossible to do. Granted, I use my powers to make those things possible, but they don't need to know that.

Though, the people here are really nice, so I think I'll be okay for now, at least I hope so.

"The team needs you now more than ever." A familiar voice says.

'You have got to be kidding me...'

I turn from my work and look at Lloyd before sighing,"I know you're a ninja and all, but you shouldn't be in a tech lab sneaking around in the shadows."

"Exactly, you should." He tells me, "You're the master of Darkness, sis, moving through the shadows is what you're good at, you've been doing it your entire life."

I stay silent and turn back to my work.

"If you change your mind, you know where I'll be." Lloyd states before I hear him leave and I look back to where he once stood.

I look at the device in my hand and frown, repeating his words in my head. I growl in annoyance and slam the piece of tech on the table, getting up from my seat and turning in for the day.

'The things I do for my brother.'

I stop at the apartment and change clothes, putting on a simple purple hoodie, some jeans, and purple  sneakers.

"B.K, I'm heading out to meet Lloyd. I'll call you if something happens!" I call out as I leave.

"Okay!" He shouts back.

I get on the sidewalk and start walking towards to where Lloyd's suppose to be.

Once I reach the place I stand there, looking at the sign.

'Chen's noodle house.'

I sigh and walk into the restaurant spotting Lloyd...along with Jay and Cole.

I sigh, "You have got to be kidding me."

Jay nods as I sit down, "I kinda figured he was going to invite you too."

I put my head down on the table, not wanting to address the awkward tension around the table.

A few minutes later I hear Lloyd calling Kai over to the table.

"Jay? Cole? (Y/n)?" Kai questions.

Cole let out a light chuckle. "You, too?"

"The runt tricked us all." Says Jay.

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