Pride's Demise

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(Y/n)'s POV

I frown as I watch my video game character get completely K.O'd in Fist to Face II.

"Seriously?!" I exclaim, "It's just one level, why's it so hard?!"

"Fist to Face II, huh?" Kai says as he walks into the room, "Need some help?"

I scoff, "No. Why would I need help from you?"

"Oh, come on." Kai states, "I'm the best at this game. Even Jay has a hard time beating me."

"And yet he still beats you." I say with a smirk, "Maybe you just suck."

"Oh yeah?" He asks, his eyes narrowing before he holds out his hand, gesturing to the controller.

I raise an eyebrow and hand him the controller. I watch as he switches to his character and starts the level I was on.

My smirk falters a bit as I see him past the point that I died at, and soon he gets to the end and beats the level.

Kai chuckles as his score is displayed on the scoreboard, "Haha, see? You just gotta-OW!"

I roll my eyes after I had hit him, "Shut up, it's not like I couldn't beat you in a real fight."

"Wha-!? Are you serious?!" Kai exclaims, rubbing the side of his head, "You just can't take anyone being better than you, can you?"

"I am better than you." I declare.

"What's going on?" Nya asks as her, Jay, and Zane walk.

"Nya. Doesn't it make sense that I'm better than the others since I've been trained more than them?" I ask.

"That kind of logic is flawed." Zane states, "Everyone has their own fields that they're superior in. Where some may thrive, others might not do so well."

"Don't use your fancy Nindroid logic on me." I grumble.

"He's right though. I mean, who could be better at being a Nindroid than a literal Nindroid." Jay jokes.

"Yeah, but-" I start before Cole runs into the room.

"Guys, I think I've found the location of one of the fangblades!" He says, "Come on!"

The rest of us look at each other before quickly rushing after Cole to the bridge.

"Okay, what's the deal, Cole?" I ask as we look at the map.

"Don't look at the map, forget the map, look at this!" Cole exclaims, shoving a newspaper article in our faces.

Kai takes the newspaper and his eyes widen slightly, "The Fang Festival: A yearly celebration where people wear snake-themed costumes and preform street theatre."

"A festival about snakes? Really? Even with the Serpentine running around?" Jay asks.

"Who cares? You said that this is where the next Fang Blade is, right?" I question.

"Well, I think so. It's a snake festival, it should be obvious." Cole replies.

"Well, it's worth looking into." Nya tells us, "Which means the Serpentine might also look into it, you all should get there fast."

"Where is this Fang Festival?" Zane asks.

"Um...oh, a small town called Emerald Hills." Kai reads.

My eyes widen in shock before I snatch the newspaper from Kai and look at the article.

'Emerald Hills...'

"Are you familiar with that place, (Y/n)?" Zane asks.

"What? No." I lie, giving the newspaper back to Kai, "Though, for such a small town, it's probably far away from here."

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