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"Mornin'" Johnny's usual cheery voice greeted me as I got into the car and I nodded my head, sleep still having this hold on me.

It was particularly cold today so I had my scarf up to my mouth in hopes of keeping warm. With it only being January, we were no where near close to the end of this frigid weather and I had no choice but to adapt to the harsh winds.

Johnny however didn't seem to mind it at all, he's shown himself to be very formidable against the elements, nothing ever really bothering him. He saw an upside to every season and as much as I could admire his positive outlook, I myself couldn't follow in his footsteps.

Thankfully, he did have the heat up so I could have a few minutes of warm relief before having to go back into the perilous cold.

"Oh yeah, I won't be able to get you today. I have some other things to do so I'm pretty sure Harvey is the one that'll pick you up" Johnny said suddenly and I just nodded.

When finally arriving at the campus, I thanked Johnny for the ride as usual and got out of the car. As the frigid air nipped at my skin, I did my best to ignore it and made my way over to my first class of the day.

When I got there, there were some other people hanging around the door, likely waiting for the professor to come and open it so I took a space on the wall to wait as well.

"Hey" my eyes turned up when feeling a light tap on my shoulder and in front of me was the guy I had bumped in to the other day.

"What a coincidence, who knew we'd share a class together" he greeted and the smile on his face was gentle as he stared down at me. Nodding my head, I shifted in my position as I leaned a foot up against the wall.

An awkward 'yeah' was all I could say in response. I guess he sensed that I wasn't the best conversation starter because before I knew it, he was opening his mouth again.

"What's your name?" the man asked.

"Cole" I said and nodded to him as to say 'and yours?'.

"Myles Porter" he said and held a hand out to which I gave a shake as to be polite. His hand was cold to the touch though, making me let go quickly.

Keeping my eyes averted, I brought my hands into my pockets.

"So, is this a required class or one you need for credit?" Myles asked and it was then that I wondered if he was always this nosy.

Most people would have probably ended the conversation with the awkward dead silence in the air but it didn't seem to bother Myles one bit.

"Credit" I said and he nodded.

"What are you majoring in?" He asked.

"Engineering" and as expected, his lips parted in surprise at my answer.

"Woah, you must be super smart. That's a tough field" Myles said, his eyes widening in accompaniment to his surprised look.

I just shook my head.

"It's nothing really. How about you?" I asked.

"English, it's pretty simple so I chose it" he answers.

The teacher had finally arrived and the two of us sat together at a table that was in the middle of the classroom, the table being pretty big so we weren't exactly 'together' which gave me a bit of breathing room.

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