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E r o s

The smell of smoke was strong and I barely had the strength to move, something holding me down as I laid there. The embrace was warm despite how cold it was outside and something in me was screaming at me to wake up.

And then it dawned on me.

We'd been hit.

My eyes slowly cracked open and I noticed the shirt in front of me, it was the one Kaya had put on before we left.

"K-Kaya...?" I croaked out, a little disoriented as I pulled away but when my eyes fell upon my sister, it was as if the world stopped in front of me.

Kaya's eyes were shut as she laid against the window of our car, her arms falling from my body to her sides lifelessly. Blood trickled down her face and her chest was still, no movement to be seen.

"Kaya...?" I called out again but she remained unresponsive to my voice.

"We have to go, Kaya. Wake up"


Before I had knew it, the cries of me calling for my dead sister was slowly fading out and the loud blaring of a horn was heard.

My eyes flew open and all of my senses were being thrown off with everything crowding them. My ears ringing along with the car horn, the smell of smoke crowding my nose, and everything was a little blurry at first as I blinked a few times to make them clear.

Moving slowly, I noticed the familiar feeling of arms around me and I turned my head up only to have my blood run cold with the sight in front of me.

It was the same like all those years ago and I could swear that every part of my being was frozen.

He protected me...just like Kaya.

At first, I was at a loss for what to do, how to react. But then remembering that I had to get Cole out of here as soon as possible, I began to move.

I tried to open the door but it was sort of stuck, the other car in front of us being the reason but I knew that if I hit it enough, I could force enough space for us to get out.

"Cole, listen to me" I said and although he was unresponsive, I kept talking as I tried to kick open the door. It seemed like we weren't upside down so it wasn't to hard to maneuver myself into a good position.

"I'm going to...get us out of here. I'm going to handle all you gotta stay with me!" My last word was strained as I gave one final kick and the door was finally open enough for me to get us out.

Pushing myself, I held on to Cole as I slowly backed out of the seat, making sure not to slip on any of the glass that coated the pavement beneath us. The smell of gas was prominent in the air and I tried my best not to inhale too much.

"It's them!"

"Holy shit, is he okay?"

"He's unconscious and bleeding, does he look okay to you?!"

The sound of my friends voice was distant but grew louder as they drew near but I waved at them to stop. I didn't want them to get too close lest this car go up in flames so once we were all a safe distance from the accident, I placed Cole gently on the ground.

"What the fuck happened?" Mikhail asked.

"Those bastards hit our car and he protected me" I said.

Sure, it could have been a driver that wasn't paying attention but everything in my body was telling me that this was no accident.

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