Thorough [M]

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[A/N]: uh, haha, this chapter is 99.99% smut with 0.01% plot but enjoy anyways (that's my pseudo 18+ warning)

C o l e

"E-Enough..." I said as Eros left another mark on my sensitive skin for the umpteenth time.

Eros had been adamant on leaving love bites anywhere he could, all while taking his sweet time stretching my hole out, showing off his 'multitasking' skills as he called it.

"We're nowhere near done, Cole. Look at how empty this place is" Eros said as his fingers came to rest on my unmarked thighs to which I just glared.

"Do you really intend to mark up my entire body? I'll be lucky if my clothes covers these" I said and Eros smiled.

"Think of it like repellant, other people won't approach you once they see it. Then I won't have to worry about anyone getting any wrong ideas" he said and I shook my head.

"I want it now." I said, the frustration in my voice being clear but Eros only seemed to get off on it as he gave a scheming grin.

"Is that how you ask for something? Not even a please, it seems I've spoiled you too much, huh?" Eros' smirk was almost plain evil as he looked down at me and I just gave him a look of my own.

"Eros" I warned but the man just continued on his own agenda as he reached up to put his hand through my hair.

That same hand gripped my hair and I let out a low grunt as Eros tilted my head up so he could whisper in my ear.

"Come on, say it nicely. Something along the lines of 'please fuck me until I can't walk' would be great" he said and my ears felt like they had steam coming out of them. His words alone were enough to rile me up but I swallowed down my raging lust knowing that it would do me no good.

Once Eros got like this, he'd continue until I begged him to do anything.

"Please...give it to me" I said and I couldn't look him in the eyes when doing it, my heart would simply shrivel up and fall from its cage out of embarrassment.

"Darling you're so cute" Eros cooed and I was thankful that he didn't extend his foreplay or else I likely would have gone crazy inside.

Pushing in gently, the tip of Eros' length slipped in almost too easily and we both let out pleasured signs as Eros continued to sink himself inside of me. It hasn't been that long since the last time we've had sex but that doesn't mean I don't miss the feeling of us being connected like this.

Eros' first few thrusts were gentle as he littered kisses along my shoulders, his way of apology for the pain that I hardly even noticed anymore whenever we first get into it.

My hands moved to grip Eros' shoulders in an attempt to keep myself up but I felt myself slipping at times with each thrust from Eros'. His warm body only made the room feel a million degrees hotter despite it being the middle of winter.

A bite to my shoulder made me let out a loud groan, Eros' tongue lapping at the skin before moving to do the same to my other shoulder.

"I'm not food" a sweet sigh fell from my lips when Eros kissed along my collar bone. He was uncharacteristically quiet tonight, his focus just being centered around my shoulders and I knew the incident from earlier was still bothering him even if he didn't say it aloud.

"Can you..." Eros trailed off and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Can I what?" I asked and Eros sighed.

"I just want to hear you say that you love me" he grumbled.

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