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M y l e s

I cannot believe I almost said that, what is wrong with me?

'I think I like—'

Had Cole's phone not gone off, I would have outed myself with no turning back. I'm such an idiot...he has a boyfriend for crying out loud!

'A boyfriend that doesn't seem to be around much...' the devil on my shoulder was quick to counter and I ignored it as I took Cole's clothes out of the dryer.

The warmth from them reminded me of just before he left, his hand reaching out to pat my head before leaving. He'd never done anything like that before and it honestly scared me a bit at first, the sudden affectionate touch throwing me all the way off my game.

His smile didn't help my poor heart at all. Cole's smiles were always genuine, he rarely did them at all so when he did, it always made me extremely flustered.

Cole was a man of few words but that somehow intrigued me all the more, especially since his actions seemed to speak volumes louder than his very few words.

What was I supposed to think after that?

Sighing, I folded the clothes before placing them on top of my dresser. Staring at the clothes, my thoughts wounded back to earlier when I was drying his phone and the screen lit up.

They looked...happy.

His boyfriend looked leagues better than me, how could I possibly even hope to compete with that?

Stupid, you shouldn't even be trying to vie for the affection of a taken man.

I don't even know what these feelings are. At first I thought it was just pure awe or admiration, I could remember in detail the first time we met and how I just kept thinking to myself how cool Cole looked.

I was starstruck.

Becoming friends was my only goal really, I never thought these kind of feelings for Cole would grow let alone at the rate they did. I honestly believed I was crazy because we've only known each other for a month at most, but when my heart begins to pound painfully whenever he's too close or even when he touches me in the slightest, it just makes me think otherwise.

What the hell am I doing?


C o l e

The next morning while Eros and I were getting ready, I had taken the clothes Myles lent me and put it in a bag, intent on returning the items to him since we had class together today.

"What's that?" Eros asked, hearing the rustling and I answered vaguely.

"Clothes" I said and Eros raised a brow.

"Are those the ones I bought you recently? Do they not fit? I'm sure I have all of your sizes memorized..." he muttered and I shook my head.

"No, last night I got caught in the rain. My friend lent me his clothes" I explained and when a frown formed on Eros face, I knew what he was thinking instantly.

"Burn them" Eros said immediately and I could only shake my head.

"I'm not burning his clothes" I said, holding back from letting my scolding tone slip. Eros seemed to always come up with the most insane ways to deal with the things he doesn't like so there are times when he needs to be told that it's a bad idea.

I don't think anyone has ever done that to him before, other than Mikhail but we know he doesn't really listen to that man lest he's being threatened.

"Well you certainly can't give it back. What if this friend of yours is some kind of weirdo?" Eros protested.

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