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E r o s

I needed to find a way to murder this kid without Cole knowing it was me but due to the timing of everything, there'd be no doubt in his mind that I was the one behind any kind of 'accident' that could happen to this kid.

Most times, Cole could be somewhat apathetic to situations that had nothing to do with him, but I knew he'd be upset if I just went and un-alive'd his...'friend'.

I had my limits and recently, they didn't seem to hold out very long.

I knew what was bothering me the most was the fact that this...kid, decided that he could just try and steal someone else's lover.

I wasn't too sure how well I'd be able to take it if Cole were to leave me of his own volition. If whatever the reason may be, he wanted to part ways, I knew that despite being vehemently against it, I'd ultimately end up respecting his decision.

I'd be more of an empty shell than a person after, but I couldn't bring myself to force Cole into a situation where he wasn't happy.

However, I would hold not a sliver of remorse for someone who was trying to take him from me. My jealously simply wouldn't allow me to sit by and do nothing, I'm sure that ugly little green demon could eliminate any possible suitors within seconds.

I sighed.

This is such an annoyingly frustrating situation.

"I feel like the world's about to end you guys. I've never seen Eros look so pissed off in his life, look at him, he's like a statue!"

"Shut up Harvey, he can hear you"

The whispering through the cracked door was distracting me momentarily and I was two seconds from wringing the idiot couple's necks.

"Hey feeling alright?" The door creaked open as Harvey peered his head over the threshold, his body hiding behind it and I looked at him with distaste.

"If you don't want to be the first two victims in my quest for murder, then you should leave. How's that for feeling 'alright'?" I said, allowing all of my annoyance to seep through my tone.

"Duly noted" Jamie said as he snatched Harvey out of my sight.

There was some shuffling and footsteps before I heard another voice join those two.

"Why are you two standing in the door way?" Mikhail's voice was always recognizable, it was usually steady and firm, never missing a beat as he was probably looking at the couple with that confused face.


"Please step aside" Mikhail said and the door moved but before Mikhail could make it through, there was some more rustling.

What are those idiots up to?

"No Mikhail! We won't let you go in there!" Harvey cried.

"Let me?" Mikhail asked, as if needing permission to come in my office was the most absurd thing he'd ever heard.

"Uh...we're trying to protect you from harm?" Jamie said.

"I think I'll take my chances with the grim reaper. You two can follow if you'd like" Mikhail said, this time successfully managing to enter my office and I just stared at those two idiots as their hands were both reached out.

"Mikhail!" They cried.

Mikhail ignored the two as he came closer to me.

"What the hell's got you looking like you're constipated?" Mikhail asked.

"Not in the mood for the banter" I grumbled, staring at the document in my hand. I resisted the urge to crumple it, the document doing nothing but fueling my negative mood.

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