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E r o s

Since the unnecessary feud between that insignificant group has died down with Silver's help, I could finally get a second to do some normal work for once but my thoughts couldn't really stay focused as I sifted through the papers.

I had a lesser load than usual so my thoughts were free to stray for just a few minutes, or however long I pleased given the person I usually thought about.

Cole seemed to be colder than usual last night and I was delighted by the fact that he actually chose to cling to me instead of grabbing a thicker blanket. I had more than enough warmth for him but at times, I figured Cole was just too shy to say that he wanted me to hug him closely.

He was still pretty reserved in that area but I figured it's okay since I get to see his more vulnerable side when he does admit to his secret wishes.

"What's with him?"

"He's in his 'Thinking of Cole' mode. One second"


There was suddenly some chatter filling my ears and I instantly grew annoyed when I found myself coming back to reality as a hand touched my shoulder.

"What suddenly gave you the idea that you have the right to touch me so intimately?" I said with a chilling glare and Mikhail simply smiled before removing his hand.

"Intimate? That was anything but intimate" he said and I frowned.

"Well for future reference, I'm off limits so that means you're not allowed to touch me" I said stubbornly and Jamie just scoffed at me.

"Oh lord" He said as he rolled his eyes.

"What do you want? I was in a sufficiently good mood before you two ruined it" I grumbled as I leaned my head on my fist.

"Someone wants to speak to you on line three" Mikhail said and I raised a brow as he pointed to the phone next to me.

Hitting line three and bringing the phone to my ear, I answered in a bored tone.

"Eros Azure speaking, how can I be of service today?" I droned and a chuckle that I hadn't heard in a while filled my ears, making me sit up in my seat.

"Eros, I see you're as jolly as ever" Alistair said and I sat up a bit in my seat.

"'s been a while. What's picking at your brain for you to be calling at such an hour?" I asked.

"What is this I'm hearing of Northway's group being explosively disbanded?" Alistair asked, getting straight to the point and I gave a response immediately.

"You're asking the wrong guy" I said simply.

"So who is the right guy?" Alistair quizzed and I gave a 'hm' as if I was actually contemplating as well.

"I'm not at liberty to say but I will tell you this, he deserved it" I said ambiguously and my long time friend only sighed at my response.

"Well I'm going to hope for your sake that you had no part in it. The news is spreading like wildfire and Northway's allies are not exactly pleased to learn that their biggest partner has been blown off the face of the earth" Alistair warned.

Hearing this only made me wonder how bad the damage Silver had dealt was, I didn't know the guy that well to know all his tricks but he seemed to be one tick from exploding most times when people piss him off.

"Yes, I know. Don't worry about it, a compensation plan has already been put into effect" I said.

"And that is...?" Alistair trailed.

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