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A/N: before we begin this chapter, there is just a few things I want to address beforehand. The first being that even though this is a mafia story, that certainly does NOT mean it's based on any true happenings. There are things that don't actually happen in the real world in my book so please don't take it to heart when I write my characters to do something that a 'normal' mafia member wouldn't.

And secondly, my story is FREE for one reason and one reason only. For YOU guys. I would hate for my readers to be blocked with a paywall to read something that is meant to be free. Please never forget that.

And last, I am so sorry for my absence. I had a bad hand injury recently and it was very hard for me to type anything and I tried using speech to text but that was a disaster lol. But the pain in my hand has since subsided and I can finally type properly so with that said, let's get this show on the road!!

N o e l

Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why...

Why is this happening to me?!

All I could do was sit in despair as I looked around the room I'd been confined to. That bastard Sid...I should have known that he wasn't interested in things like 'catching up'.

My first suspicion should have been how he got my number despite us having not seen each other in probably years but hearing his voice had immediately startled my thoughts.

He'd sounded so distraught...

It sounded so believable at the time, when he spoke about father, his tone was heartbreakingly sentimental to the point where I felt like he needed a hug.

Maybe not from me but y'know, the guy needed a hug or something but that's not what he wanted. All he wanted was for me to visit him and like the idiot I am, I fell for it and agreed.

Why am I so stupid?

Now, as I look at Sid that was in front of me, it only confirmed that I truly did not know who this stranger was, even if our blood made us 'family'.

Apparently, Sid had been talking about something but I'd been so occupied panicking in my head that I could barely pay attention.

"Now all we've got to do is get Eros here as well" Sid said and that was enough to break me out of my panic.

"You really shouldn't do that" I quickly blurted out and Sid gave me a glare that could anyone six feet under in seconds.

"I'm sick of people telling me what I should and shouldn't do. I especially don't want to hear it from some dumbass that can't tell even they're being lied to" Sid said, each malicious word stabbing my heart as they fell from his lips.

Sorry for caring about your feelings??? You know what, whatever.

"I'm serious. You do not want to be on his bad side, the man is clinically insane" I said, disregarding Sid's words in order to move the topic.

"You think I'm afraid of a nut job? If that were the case I wouldn't be able to stand the sight of my own face" Sid said and I just leaned my head against the wall.

Of course he's crazy.

You can't get a crazy person to listen to reason so I was a quickly running out of negotiation options here but it seems I won't even be given a chance going off of Sid's next words.

"You're only a bargaining chip in all of this so if you just shut up and stay put, then you'll get out of here alive" Sid said before leaving the room, slamming the metal door behind him.

God please end my life right now...

No, this is no time for the coward act. I had to think of a way out of here and while I was no where near the level of escape artist that Cole was, I'd like to think that I've learned from him.

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