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"I don't get it...what's so horrible that you had to invite the whole neighborhood watch?" I asked as I jabbed my thumb over to Jamie and Mikhail.

"My family wants me to come to their stupid fancy as dinner and you know how excruciatingly painful that is for me" Harvey said as he looked at me with a desperate look on his face.

"I need you guys to come" he finally said and everyone just looked at him. Noticing the lack of positive feedback, Harvey's face grew a pleading look.

"I can't go it alone you guys! All of my family in one place is never a good thing so please at least one of you come with me" Harvey exclaimed as he looked between all of us.

"What exactly do your parents do...?" Cole asked and Harvey gave a flat look.

"They work for KFC" he said and I frowned at the stupid answer.

"His parents are owners of a pretty wealthy conglomerate. Harvey is the only one who strayed from the business career as you can see" I explained and Harvey huffed.

"They also don't know about his...job" Mikhail said as he put air quotes along with the word 'job'.

"Only Riel actually knows about this, but I'm sure my other siblings have probably also caught on that I don't actually have an office job" Harvey said as he sat down and put his hands on his cheeks, elbows on knees.

"How would they not? You rarely ever wear suits" Jamie said and Harvey sat up and put his hands to his ears.

"Ahhh forget about that crap! If I don't go, they'll surely send someone to drag me there!" He whined and at this point, Harvey looked ready to blow his lid.

I've hardly met anyone from his family aside from Riel so I clearly had no input on the situation, but just seeing how stressed out Harvey was, is enough to guess that they're not exactly the most fun people to hang around.

"I guess I'll go if I have the time" I said with a sigh and Harvey gave me those stupid googly eyes.

"I'll attend as well since you look so pitiful" Mikhail said with a shrug.

"I'm not sure if I can make it..." Cole said slowly and Harvey's face immediately went from googly eyes to heartbreak.

"I promised my friend I'd help him with something and I still have to finish this project with my partner" Cole explained.

"B-But I need you! I won't survive without you buddy!" Harvey exclaimed and Jamie gave him a look.

"You have Jamie too y'know?" Mikhail pointed out and the couple frowned.

"My/His family doesn't like him/me" they said together.

Seeing as this conversation has reached it's limits, I decided to give a swift change of topic. It wasn't really a good time to drop the unfortunate bomb on an already stressed out Harvey but it needed to be done nonetheless.

"We'll figure this out later. For right now, since I have you here Harvey, I might as well tell you" I said as I turned to the male.

Harvey's ears twitched and he looked to me with a curious look.

"I'm being promoted?" He asked and I smiled.

"Even better, you're going back to school" I said and Harvey's face remained the same as he just stared at me.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you. You said I'm getting a raise?" Harvey cupped his ear and leaned in closer.

In my rightful turn, I pulled his ear and the man yelped. Harvey's stare turned quickly into a glare as he made an 'X' with his arms.

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