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E r o s

Emile was staring down at Jamie, a blank look on his face but the tense air was clear. And it seems Emile noticed it quickly as he let out a sigh.

"Relax, I'm not trying to start anything. Just wondering why you're here, we didn't exactly treat you nicely the last time you came" Emile said and Jamie's shoulders relaxed from their guarded position.

"I didn't come because of that. I had no intentions of arguing with walls" Jamie said and Emile let out a dry laugh.

"That tiff was years ago. Rest assured, I have no plans of interfering with whatever weird relationship you two have" he said and Jamie just kept his face of steel.


"Our parents however...I'm not sure" Emile said and Harvey looked around before pointing over across the room.

"Well, they're right there, let's find out" he said before dragging a startled Jamie over to his parents.

"I'm gonna sit this one out" I said as I stayed put in my seat, wine glass raised to my lips.

"Oh? Don't want all the juicy deets?" Minerva said, putting on the act of a school girl and I shook my head.

"No, I'm not really interested in hearing about old people's views on things that have nothing to do with them" I said and Minerva smiled.

"You should come around more often, we seem to share some commonalities" she said and I gave a smile of my own.

"Hm...I'll think about it" I mused which made the woman chuckle. Feeling my phone suddenly go off in my pocket, I grab it and stood up.

"I'm getting a call, excuse me" I said before walking to a more secluded area.

Taking a glance at the caller ID, I noticed it was Cole so I made haste to pick it up, a smile gracing my lips as I began to speak.

"Love! How is your night going? Missing me terribly I presume?" I said in a teasing manner but when I got no reaction from the other side, I knew something was up immediately.

"I'd love to joke around but what I have to say doesn't fit the bill" Cole said.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"There were...people lurking about our house" Cole said and my body tensed with every word that came from his lips.

"People?" I said.

"Yeah, it's safe to assume it's about what I mentioned to you last time but I'm not sure since not even Noel can identify them" He explained.

Releasing an internal sigh, I checked my watch. We'd been here long enough that no one would mind my sudden absence, so with that in mind, I gave my response.

"Well if that's the case, I don't want you staying there. Where are you?" I asked.

"I'm with Noel and uh, his friend"

Silver, just great.

"You know what to do. I'll be there shortly" I said and Cole just gave an 'okay' before hanging up.

I decided to just text Jamie since technically I was his ride but I'm sure Harvey wouldn't mind taking him home.

In the back of my mind, I had always known there was the slightest chance that someone would be bold enough to target our home so I had set aside a backup homes with a few of my members holding down the fort until I needed to use it.

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