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psst...we're back ;)

E r o s

My mood was at an all time high because today was finally the start of Cole and I's pre-honeymoon vacation.

At least that's how I see it.

Traveling long distances had never bothered me before, I'd normally be able to snooze through most of it but for some reason, I could only find myself awake the entire time.

Cole, however, was fast asleep.

We were already well into our long flight and while he tried to stay awake for my sake, his eyes had eventually fluttered shut and have been that way for the past hour.

I had no qualms, I got to watch an angel sleep and it was absolutely the best view I'd ever seen in my life.

I couldn't help but think about the rest of the trip, it was sure to be perfect. No work, no responsibilities, no idiot couple, and best of all, no cockblocker Mikhail.

This truly is bliss.

There was a point in time where I'd thought I would never get to do things like this.

I was an extremely picky person when it came to who I showed affection for, so it was always a problem when I used to do things with other people but never attach any kind of feelings or labels to the actual thing.

I was quicker to end it if the other person seemed to be growing actual feelings for me. I knew at that time that I wasn't ready for any kind of serious relationships, I couldn't fathom the idea of loving someone when I hadn't even loved myself back then.

Pushing those thoughts out of mind, I decided to spend the last hour of our flight flipping through the many places I'd already flagged for us, deciding which location I should take Cole to first.

As I was looking, a small grunt from Cole made me look to him, seeing him stir awake as his eyes eventually opened slowly. They quickly focused on my own and a sleepy smile formed on his face.

"What are you...looking—..." before Cole had even processed that he was speaking, his eyes had already fluttered shut once more.

I thought he would continue but Cole remained unconscious, sleep taking him quicker than he could realize.

Did he just fall asleep in the middle of his sentence? I tried my best to hold my laughter in, but I was failing horribly as small chuckles left my lips.

Eventually, we had finally touched down and Cole was officially up this time, his eyes taking in the sights around us as we walked to the car that was waiting for us outside.

It was hot, unusually so for the middle of winter but given where we were, it only made sense. The car ride wasn't long but the scenery changed from populated to every few miles or so having some houses.

When we finally arrived, even I was in awe upon stepping out of the vehicle. I know I'm the one that chose this place but it surely looked better in person than on a computer.

The villa was a beige color that helped set the tone of 'vacation' to it, the greenery surrounding it was in abundance and not to mention the insanely clean steps that led up to it. I know this place is new and all but whoever cleaned this seriously must have wanted to eat off of it.

Oh well, works for me.

Stepping into the large house, the beautiful interior was practically sparkling and as we continued to enter further in, the house did not fail its first impression inspection.

Good job as always, Eros.

Upon finally bringing up our bags up to our room, the first thing Cole did was collapse onto the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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