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Yawning as I walked into the classroom, I sat in my usual seat and began to unpack my bag, taking out the things I'd need for this lecture.

"Hey!" The seat next to me moved and Myles was the one to claim it all the while flashing me a smile.

"Hey" I replied, nodding and then turning to the board.

Our professor had walked in pretty happy today so I figured this lecture would go by quick, though everyone should have suspected that there'd be a reason for our professor to come in so happy at nine in the morning.

"Today we will be working on a new unit but this entire unit is based on teamwork. When out there in the, as you kids say, 'real world' teamwork will be everything in this field of work. So partner up, and exchange names and numbers because you will need them" the professor said and a course of groans were immediately heard in response.

"Well, I feel like I don't have to ask but just to be polite, would you like to be partners?" Myles asked as he turned to me in his seat.

"Oh, uh, sure" I said, nodding my head as I gave my answer.

"Cool, let's exchange numbers" he said and he handed me his phone while I gave him mine.

"There's hardly anyone in your contacts" Myles commented.

"There's too many in yours" I countered and Myles let out a laugh.

"Touché" he said.

After giving back our phones, Myles began to speak again.

"Is there any specific place you want to meet up? I'm fine with anywhere" he asked.

"A library or cafe is fine" I said and Myles nodded.

"Cool, let's meet at the library after our classes" Myles said.

Once agreeing upon things, we waited for the professor to continue giving us details on our work. It was a test and study project, we had to run several tests however which explains why we were given an entire month to work on it.

"I can handle the research and tests but I gotta tell ya, I'm not good at writing the reports" Myles admitted towards the end of the lecture.

"It's alright, we can conquer and divide.  I'll handle all the writing" I said and I was immediately given the googly eyes.

"Thank you, you're a life saver" Myles said and I just shook my head.

Once this period was over, we parted ways and I headed to my other classes.

Jean had today off and none of Cinder's free periods aligned with mine so I didn't get to see much of those two today unfortunately.

After classes, just as planned, the two of us met up at the library and I began drafting up our organizers.

"So, how old are you? We look to be around the same age" Myles asked, already attempting to make small talk.

"I'm 25" I said and Myles' eyes widened.

"...or not. Wow, now I feel like a baby. I'm only 21" he said.

"Don't feel that way, I won't patronize you or anything of the sort" I said.

"I didn't think you would, you don't seem like that kind of person" Myles said and that's when I raised a brow at him.

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