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E r o s

"Do you want me to drop you off?" I asked Cole as I walked to the room, his hand moving across his paper as he scrawled on it.

Looking to me and then back to his paper, Cole shook his head.

"Nah, it's fine. We're just going to the library, it's not that far. Besides, we're not meeting up for at least another hour" Cole said and I nodded.

"Alright...I'm leaving now" I said but made no move to actually do so.

"Okay, have fun" was Cole's response and I narrowed my eyes.

"Yeah...leaving for the rest of the night" I said, a bit louder this time and the only response I got was another nod.

"Mhm, be safe"

God damnit.

"Might not come back til the morning so if there's anything you want to...do" I said and I finally got what I was looking for when Cole's pen stopped moving and his eyes flickered to me, the green irises staring in amusement.

"You know like, a goodbye kiss. Or something loosely along the lines of it" I said.

Cole placed his things to the side before coming over to me. His hands made their way to my shoulders as he reached up and gave my lips a firm kiss, knowing good and well that I wouldn't accept anything half assed.

Pulling away too quickly for my liking, Cole looked up at me with an expectant look.

"There. Happy?" He said and I let a small laugh fall from my lips at his tone. He was so over my dramatics but he never failed to entertain them.

"Content for now. I'll be back for more later" I said as I gave his ass a light pat and Cole narrowed his eyes at me before pushing me out of the door.

"Go" he ushered and I let myself be escorted from our home. Giving one last wink on my way out, I finally left our home and headed to my car.

My first stop was picking up Jamie. Harvey had somehow by the grace of god convinced the man to go but I knew that he was surely not happy about it.

Jamie's adverseness to this banquet didn't need to be voiced, it was written all over his face, even now as I pulled up to his block I knew he wasn't ready.

Walking up to the door, I rung the doorbell repeatedly until Jamie finally answered the door with an annoyed face. The man wasn't even dressed, well fully, he at least had his slacks on but on his torso was just a tank top.

"Come on its bad enough I got stuck picking you up, don't make us late while you're at it" I said as I walked in the house.

"Stuck?" Jamie said and I turned to him with an innocent smile.

"Kidding. Now hurry up and get dressed please and thank you" I said.

Jamie went to go change and while I waited, I decided to sit on the sofa. Jamie lived by himself and it's pretty obvious he wasn't the comfy home type, his living room having the main necessities and nothing else.

The room was bare of any pictures save for the one of us at graduation that was on the table. Well, I attended their graduation since I had already since finished school. Harvey practically begged me to come even though I didn't want to attend a graduation for two underclassmen that I technically wasn't even supposed to know.

I stuck to myself and from what I heard from Harvey, Jamie was a loner and disliked anyone coming into his personal bubble. Harvey used to always do as he pleases, regardless of how others may respond, and it usually took yelling at him to get him to read a room.

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