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The time to put the plan they'd devised in such a short amount of time had come and Harvey was unusually lively for someone who was about to possibly get shot at.

"I've wanted to be like the men in black all my life, you think they'd make me an agent if they were real?!" Harvey cheered gleefully as they all sat in the van going over any last details.

"If you pull this off without injuring yourself, I'll make you an agent myself" Silver grumbled sarcastically and Harvey gave him a suspicious look.

"It wouldn't feel real coming from you" Harvey said and Silver just shook his head.

In the short time he's known Harvey, it was clear that everything upstairs wasn't functioning properly. Sure it was funny at times, but Silver could also only take so much so he wondered how Eros and the others dealt with him on a day in day out basis.

"Can we please just go over the plan one more time?" Jamie asked.

"Harvey is going to distract the guards in front with our little gift for them and it should be enough to grab the attention of even the people a few blocks away" Silver said as he handed Harvey the 'gift', the man pocketing it quickly so as to not forget it.

"From there, sir Jamie and I will be heading towards the entrance on the left side of the building as Mikhail and Elliot will have already disabled the alarm" Silver continued before pointing to the building through the van window.

"Lastly, Eros has already been 'taken hostage' so all Cole has to do is look for the clue he left to find him while we handle the loose ends" Silver finished and everyone nodded in understanding of their parts.

"I'm glad we're all on the same page, but let's get this show on the road. I forgot my laptop charger so we're on borrowed time" Mikhail said and Jamie frowned at him.

"Some mafia FBI you are" He said and Mikhail shooed him with his left hand as he steadied the laptop in his lap with his right.

"Harvey, you're up. We'll follow you shortly" Silver said and Harvey just nodded as he pulled his coat tighter around him, the nippy wind piercing his skin as soon as he opened the door.

"All this snow, we could have made a freaking snowman as a distraction" Harvey grumbled as he shut the door behind him.

He had to march through the snow for a bit, their van was parked quite a ways away so as to not cause any suspicion before their plan can even be put into motion. Eros' hunch that this whole thing was a rogue operation was clearly correct, nothing more than 3 guards standing in front of the door to the considerably small 'mansion'.

Harvey figured it was a vacation home or something but he sure hoped no one was thinking of getting in the iced over pool.

Once he finally got within hearing distance, Harvey had to pluck up what was left of his strength as he cleared his throat.

"Hello all! Come, gather around please!" Harvey shouted as he waved wildly to the guards who immediately became alert and rushed over to Harvey, brandishing their guns without a second thought.

"Put your hands where we can see them!" One of them yelled and Harvey played along for just a moment, lifting his hands in a manner that said 'wait'.

"No, no. No need for guns, I come bearing a gift. I just need you all to look into this tiny little device for me and say cheese" Harvey said as he slowly reached into his pocked and brought out the 'gift'.

The men watched warily and only one of them caught on as Harvey pulled the safety pin, his eyes widening as it all happened. As soon as Harvey threw it, he let out a screech before he retreated, a loud bang going off behind him as he did.

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