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The first thing I was greeted with when walking into my office was Mikhail who was placing something on my desk as I stepped in.

Turning to me, the man gave me a nod in greeting.

"It's today" he said and I raised a brow.

"Sorry, I don't think I'm following" I said and he tapped the paper that he had placed on my desk.

"Hawthorne. Today" Mikhail iterated and I nodded.

"Ah, I see. Thanks. He leave a time or am I supposed to play the waiting father?" I asked as I grabbed the paper and saw only a few words written on it.

'Save a seat for me, thx' - H

"The chair is over there" Mikhail said as he gestured to my seat and I just shook my head before crumbling up the paper.

"Of course" I muttered before beginning to start on my usual work.

There was a few things that were quick and easy to clear up, some required me to have to make appointments for, and by the time I was half through my work there was a knock on my door.

I didn't even get to say anything before the man of the hour himself walked through my door, clad in pretty normal clothing given who he was.

The brown hair and blue eyes, regular t-shirt and jeans, as well as the plain watch and running shoes. Everything about him was just giving your average civilian, no one would ever suspect him of being a mafia leader.

"Hello there" He said, a polite smile on his face and I just nodded while gesturing for him to sit down.

"You don't seem amused. From what I hear, you're quite the charismatic man" Silver said, his eyes never leaving mine as he sat in the chair across from me.

"Surprises are really not my thing. I don't like to be kept waiting either" I said, a sardonic smile crossing my face.

"Just thought I'd keep you on your toes. I apologize if I really upset you" Silver said but it was clear his apology was half assed.

My impatience spiked as this small talk continued, I just wanted this guy to get to his point already. Small talk always lead to nowhere so I decided to pick up the pace.

"No need. I just want to know what you want" I stated and Silver smiled again.

"I have a proposition" he started and I nodded.

"I assumed so" I chimed.

Silver put his bag on the table before pulling a big paper out, a map actually, and laid it out before me. Certain areas were circled, different colored circles indicating what I noticed to be was territories.

"This is your group" he said, pointing to the areas circled in blue.

"Notice how most of your territory aligns with the docks" he said as he showed me all of my areas.

"For Northway, his territory lies in the heart of the city where the highest buyers tend to live" Silver continued before leading his finger over to the green circles.

"And me, on the outskirts of the city. Not much traffic but I can usually jam up what comes in and out of the city" Silver said with a shrug.

"You're looking to expand, I assume?" I said and Silver nodded.

"But I can't do that without permission. It would be very rude of me to just place my men in your territories now wouldn't it?" He said.

"So, what? You're here to ask permission?" I asked.

Loving the RIGHT Brother Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora