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Having nothing to do was such a strange occurrence for me. The semester had finally come to its conclusion and before we could go on any kind of trip, Eros mentioned there was some things he had to do in preparation so that Mikhail could have absolutely no reason to object to our sudden departure.

Because if there's one thing Mikhail's good at, it's finding flaws in completely bulletproof plans.

I was taking some time of my own to catch up on some long needed rest, sleeping in until around ten was one of the greatest unspoken luxuries I never knew I needed.

When I had woken up though, I saw that I received a text from Myles not too long ago, his new phone number popping up on the screen as I had forgotten to save it when he gave it to me.

'You aren't busy today by any chance, are you? If not, let's hang out!'

Hm...doesn't sound like a bad idea. I haven't really done much since break started and Eros is away attending to his own things.


After sending the reply, I got up so I could shower and get dressed. I was never one who put much thought into fashion, my clothing usually depended on the weather so since it was still quite cold outside, I figured sweatpants and a long sleeved shirt should be fine for now.

I bundled up my in my coat and what not but I refused to put on all of the extra scarves and gloves that Eros had gotten me because I would simply just overheat. The hat looked nice though so I always wore it when I went out.

Myles had texted me the meet up spot so I took my time in heading there, the brisk winds nipping at my cheeks as I braved through the winter wind. It was December and soon Christmas and new year's would be approaching so the decorations around the city were in abundance.

I should look into getting some gifts for everyone...

"Cole! Over here!" Myles voice was calling out to me from his place near the clock tower at the main square, his frame looking tiny in front of the huge structure.

"Hey" I said in greeting as I stepped closer to the man.

"Thanks for coming, I really needed a second opinion for all of this" Myles said as he pointed to the many stores that lined the area.

"My mother's birthday is in a few days and she's a seriously picky person. It would really help to have a second pair of eyes" Myles said and I nodded.

"Then what does she like?" I asked as Myles began to lead us to the closest store next to us.

"Not sure to be honest, I was just gonna get her a best mom mug or something" he said and I stared at him incredulously.

"What?" Myles asked, as if he didn't realize what was wrong with his choice in gift.

"I'm sure we're going to find something leagues better than a mug" I said with a sigh.

I doubt any mother would want to receive a mug, unless they were a frequent coffee drinker or something of the sort. Still, I'd like to believe that Myles will come up with something better while we look.

He in fact, did not.

"Come on Cole, you've shot down every thing I could think of!" Myles exclaimed and I just crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"I refuse to let you give your mother anything less than acceptable and so far all your choices have been just that" I said and Myles huffed.

"So what would you get your mother?" he grumbled and I just stared at him.

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