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"Kaaayyaaaa, this is too far! My feet hurt" a young Eros followed behind his older sister, hands desperately gripping hers in an attempt to slow her down.

"Come on, Eros. We're almost there! Don't you want to see the cool place I found?" Kaya asked as she looked back at Eros. The pout on his face was hilarious but Kaya kept her face impassive, she knew if she laughed Eros would call it quits and try to run back home.

"Mom's gonna yell at us" Eros weakly protested but Kaya just waved his worries off.

"Don't be such a scaredy cat. As long as we're home before dinner, no one will notice a thing~" she said before kneeling down and turning her back to Eros.

"If you're really that tired, you can get on my back" Kaya offered but Eros, being the stubborn kid that he was, just turned his head in refusal.

"It's fine, I don't—" Eros was cut off as he was suddenly scooped up like it was nothing into Kaya's arms.

"H-Hey!" He exclaimed as he was jostled around a bit before Kaya finally stopped moving him.

"Shh, cut your whining" she said as she began to walk off.

"I can walk on my own" Eros grumbled sourly.

"Weren't you the one just complaining about your feet?" Kaya retorted and knowing she was right, Eros kept quiet and continued to let himself be carried.


It was only a few more minutes before the two had reached their destination and Eros' eyes went wide as he stared at the field in front of them. The pond was full of all kinds of life and his eyes zeroes in on all the flowers that decorated the field.

"Woah..." Eros said in awe and Kaya giggled.

"I know right?" She said as she slowly let Eros down.

"It's so pretty" he said as he stepped up to the pond, watching as the tadpoles swam around freely in it.

The two sat together in the field, backs to the grass and eyes on the clouds that passed by.

"Eros" Kaya called and the boy turned to his sister, curious azure eyes meeting an identical set of Kaya's own.

"I know mom and dad won't tell you, so I will. We're going to be going through difficult times soon" Kaya said and Eros immediately sat up.

"Is something gonna happen...?" He asked and Kaya shook her head.

"Not for now. You're just a kid and I don't want to burden you with such thoughts, but you know who we are. We have to be prepared for anything" She said, sadness shining in her azure eyes as she stared at the similarly colored sky.

"Then that means I have to protect you guys, doesn't it?" Eros grumbled and Kaya sat up, a frown appearing on her face.

"That's not your job, Eros. Your job is to be a kid for as long as you can, because trust me, growing up sucks" she said but Eros just crossed his harms.

"But I don't want to be a kid" Eros protested and Kaya gave a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"There's no need for you to feel like you have to grow up. You'll get there when you get there" she said, reaching over to pinch the boy's cheek.

"S-Stooop..." Eros whined and Kaya let go of his cheek to instead ruffle his hair.

"Promise me you won't do anything reckless, okay?" She asked and Eros nodded.

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