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"Okay, uh, Cole! How about we get you out of these clothes so we can blow this popsicle stand?" Harvey intervened as he stepped into the battlefield.

Harvey left no room for argument as he grabbed him by the arm and dragged him away, Mikhail watching the whole thing in disbelief.

"He's taking the wrong one" Mikhail said, a groan leaving his lips after.

Well...he did tell Harvey to do something stupid.

"Guess I'll uh...wait in the car" Jamie said as he backed away and Mikhail snapped his head to him.

"Jamie!" He exclaimed but the man paid him no mind as he continued to walk away.

Just great.

Now the situation still isn't diffused, Myles and Eros continued to death glare at one another, and Jamie was as useless as a bag of rocks.

"Do I have to do everything around here?" Mikhail grumbled as he marched up to his boss and tugged at his arm.

"Excuse us" Mikhail said to Myles before dragging his boss away from the younger male.

Meanwhile, Cole and Harvey continued their trek to the dressing room so that Cole could change out of his stage outfit.

"I think we should stop taking Eros places that involves people" Harvey said suddenly and all Cole did was glance at him.

Seeing his best friend's look, Harvey threw up his hands in a shrugging gesture.

"I know, I know. It's just not good for his health, y'know? Might end up in the hospital from all that high BP" he said.

Deciding not to indulge in Harvey's words, Cole changed the topic as he finally noticed the strange clothing the man was wearing.

"What's with the getups? It's as if you guys are the ones in a play as well" Cole asked and Harvey just grimaced.

"Uh...no comment" he grumbled.

Once the two got to the dressing room, Cole looked around as the hall was void of any people that had participated in the play.

"Where is everyone else?" He asked himself but Harvey looked to him confused.

"Huh? This isn't your personal dressing room?" He asked and Cole gave a dry laugh.

"Far from it..." he said before opening the door and both male's eyes widened when seeing two people dressed in black waiting for them. A man and a woman, both standing next to one another, were their unexpected guests.

"Shit..." Cole muttered.

Pushing Harvey behind him, Cole backed away from the two as they stepped forward and out of the room.

He wondered what they had did to make this hall completely void of all cast members. Cole figured that there must be other people here working with them that constructed this ambush.

"We're only here for you Mr. Cole, but I definitely love the idea of killing two baby birds with one stone" the man said as he tilted his head, making eye contact with Harvey who just gave him a look of steel.

"Cole...we gotta get out of here" Harvey whispered and Cole nodded in agreement, he just needed a second to think about the 'how' part.

They had no idea what awaited them at the exit so Cole could only hope that it wasn't too much to deal with.

"If you come with us willingly, no harm will happen to you or your friend" the woman spoke, her voice void of any emotion, unlike her counterpart who held a jester-like tone to his.

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