"Deep Sleep 深い眠"

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Walking forwards into the blizzard, turning once in a while to check this path down the mountain. And feeling half-ice pellets bounce from the worn blue haori. The song of old man winter, his calling for Earth to pause, to dream of warmth and feel the yearning for blossoms and new foliage. Behind them, footprints form as if you were going the other way.


The crisp air pierced your lungs as you continued after his form through the white standing out against the dark tree trunks. Your lungs squeezed under the pressure of the frigid cold. Echoing in this forest of blood were the loud pants off you and Tanjirou and crunching the snow beneath your boots.

Soon, he became too far away for you to reach. Nezuko and everything you had left was swallowed by the new snowfall. Frantically, you looked around.

"T-Tanji-Kun! Nezuko! Where are you?" Your voice fell faint against the howl of old man winter. Your limbs froze in the snow reddened with frostbite. Your fingers were numb, cheeks burning with an icy heart.

"(y/n)! (y/n), where did you run off too?" A voice faintly called out past the howling Wind. Your hand latched firmly onto the hilt of your blade.

"Who's there?!" The distant sound of footsteps came running in your direction.

A woman's form came running through the fog. Her hands cupped around her mouth so her voice could project farther.

"(y/n)!? Is that you! Please come out; I don't want you getting sick!" The woman looked at least twice your age. Fair (s/c) and long (h/c) were pulled into a ponytail. Worried (e/c) eyes locked with yours.

When your eyes met, your entire form flinched.

"(y/n)! There you are!" The woman crossed the distance in a few short steps and threw her arms around you. "Don't scare your mother like that." Your mouth fell open in shock.

"W-What did you say?" The sound of your voice was fragile, brittle with tears.

"What? Is it so strange for your mother to be worried about you?" Her hands came to cup your cheeks, gently moving a strand of hair away from your eyes.

"Come on. Let's go inside. You're frozen Sunshine." Your mother gently took you by the hand to lead you through the mountain. Sunshine...?


"Who?" You tugged the blanket around your shoulders tighter. "(y/n), you're a young adult and should find a lover. Don't you think? Why not Muse? At least meet him before deciding." You turned to her with a frown.

"Why would I do that? I have someone already." You said softly, almost as if it was a question. Immediately, your gaze lowered. A wave of confusion fell over you. Who exactly would that be? Not like you've known anyone to love them. Your hair fell into your eyes, brow furrowing in confusion at who it was?

"The only one around here is that Tanjirou boy who's infactuated with the young girl. Right?" As the words left her mouth, a painful pang seared across your heart. Still, there wasn't a face to the name.

The name Tanjirou sent a painful pang throughout your chest. "Who is that?" The woman's gaze locked with yours. "I belive her name was Kanao Tsuyuri."


"D-Do I know you?" The male's rosewood eyes looked at you in confusion. Did you know him? This boy's entire aura screamed something familiar. "I don't recognize you at all. Are you lost? You have a funny scent."

(y/n)! Wake up! You know it's not real!

A girl came up behind him, soft violet eyes, as she gave the boy a big hug from behind.

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