"Chūkū sheru 中空シェル"

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They'd never been able to lie to Tanjirou, but as his fever burns hot, they find that they can. No one who goes past three days of rage makes it, and this is number four. He's lost track of time, so they'll tell him, "It's just been two days, Tanji-Kun... Everything is going to be alright."

Right now, easing his pain is the only thing that matters. They stroked his coarse hair, so drenched with sweat. Tanjirou curled his warm fingers into their right hand. His rosewood eyes opened, looking up at them.

Nothing but a sweet smile traced their lips. A soft look glistened in their eyes. "(y-y/n)...?" He uttered, feeling the pain in his chest and throat tighten. Weakly, he smiled up at them, relishing their touch. It was something he was deprived of.

(y/n)'s cold hand cupped his cheek. His fingers weakly curled in between theirs, holding it to his cheek. "Tanji-Kun... It will all be okay," they whispered, careful not to make any headache he might have had worse.

"(y/n) I-" He gulped, barely able to speak past the dryness in his throat. "I-I'm sorry..."

(y/n) merely smiled but said nothing. Shakily, he took a breath. It came out hitched but did nonetheless.

"Tanji-Kun... I know you can beat Muzan." Their statement made him look up at them. Nothing but hope filled their eyes. Slowly, they leaned down, kissing him on the forehead.

"(y/n), h-how can-" they cut him off, moving a strand of hair from his face. "Sh, you need your rest. Zenitsu and Inosuke are worried about you..." Tanjirou wanted to get up and throw his arms around them, never let them out of his grasp again. Pain shot through his abdomen when he even attempted to move. Gently, they pushed his shoulders back down.

"Get some sleep," they whispered; their soft touch and sweet voice made him tired. Reluctantly, his eyes fluttered closed. They began to hum. The sweet sounds lulled Tanjirou off into a sleep he didn't want. Soon their sweet hum grew quiet as they sang a few hushed words.

"Come home, my darling..." Tanjirou felt his body relax, the slight feeling of their hand brushing back his hair making him fall further.

"Homeward bound... Where the warmth of the sun." Slowly, their words became faded. "And the serenity of the moon collide." He felt their warmth vanish along with his mind. "There... Is where the answer resides." Their voice faded away, leaving him on the brink of sleep.

(y/n) stood there, staring off into the Muzan's residence maze. The crimson strings around their throat kept them within 10 feet of him at all times. Muzan had summoned several demons, all lower moons and upper moons, to the maze.

Some of them were confused about why they were there. "Why is it that they all are so weak?" Muzan snapped. He started to walk around them. They agitatedly dug their nails into their skin.

The potent scent of fear lingered in the air like a cloud. It arose from every demon. The upper moons watched, smiles residing on their faces. Two of them were missing. A demon and his sister.

"(y/n) dear... Show them a lesson." Muzan pushed them down the steps. Stumbling, they fell forwards, but they had flipped themselves upwards and landed on their feet with little to no effort.

"This demon doesn't look powerful." One of them whispered. They raised a hand, cracking the knuckles.

"Who is this one?"

Their patience grew thin as they walked up to one. A slight grin resided on his face. In a quick swipe, they lifted him into the air until his feet barely dangled. They glared at him, digging their nails into his throat. His eyes grew wide with fear.

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