"The Life we Live 私たちの生活"

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The wind whipped Muse's white hair into his face. "You're crazy (y/n)... Making me do this when I'd just woken up."

Their body held stiff in his arms, hair blowing wildly in the wind.

The forests below whizzed past just as the lone mountain came into view. The golden sunrise bloomed across the sky as the peak grew.

His wings pushed down until he could feel the cold wind nipping at his nose. Everything was going alright except for the landing. The windspeed suddenly grew and knocked him down. He spiraled until the two hit the ground and dragged a few feet. He shot up from the floor and pulled them close to his chest, the large white wings sheltering them from the frigid wind.

"Hey! W-Where are you!? Get your ass out here!" The voice echoed harshly through the air, only for his voice to be drowned out by the whistle of old man winter. "Kin Urokodaki! You bastard, come out here! It's fucking cold!"

It was silent, just the loud sounds of the wind and trees swaying. Soon, the wind began to die down, only for the thick mist to roll in. It swept along the sides and trees of the tall mountain until a figure, moderately shaped, stepped into view.

"What do you want with me, demon?" A silky but demanding voice asked. Like she was the one in command of the snow and wind. Muse fell to his knees, hugging (y/n)'s cold body closer. Their lips turned blue, and their fingers turned red from frostbite.

"Something is wrong with them. They won't wake up, but something told me to take them here." He could hear them calling out, begging to be taken back to Tanjirou and the others. Muse's wings began to shiver, each wind whip making him shudder.

"They won't wake up. They're dead." Kin said bluntly. Muse flinched at the not so diplomatic way of saying they were dead. Muse locked his dark chocolate brown eyes with Kin's icy, frosty ones. "Then why the fuck can I hear their voice!?" Then there was a sharp cry of someone's heartbreaking, screaming to be taken back, and it was a ghostly echo in Muse's mind making it ache.

"Because their spirit showed up here ten minutes ago. Come with me." Kin gently took their body away from Muse and wrapped it up in a long white fur shall before starting to walk down the mountain. The dark-skinned male stood and began to follow the female. He wasn't even sure of what was going on. If he could hear their voice, how are they dead.

"Where are you taking that corpse?" Muse began to feel the frozen effects of the mountain, frostbite crawling up his skin from his fingertips.

"Down the mountain. Long ago, all kids raised or trained under Urokodaki promised to appear in his forest when we died. That goes for (y/n), Nezuko, and young Tanjirou." Muse wondered why that promise would bring them here if they were still partially alive?

The snowfall began to dissipate from the frosty air to eternal amber autumn. "Wait-" The two came to a clearing where he spotted them grasping a young male's haori, yelling.

"Stop talking and listen." Kin said softly, still holding their corpse close to her body. They clenched so tightly onto the male's haori that their knuckles began to turn white

"W-Why am I here? Take me back to Tanji-Kun!"

The pink-haired male removed a strand of (h/c) away from their face with a guilty look written in his soft pale blue eyes. "I can't... I don't have the power to do that." They bit harshly onto their lip and looked him in the eye.

"Then have Muse take me back! I can't leave them yet!" Again, that shrill voice of heartbreak and sadness echoed within Muse's mind. So it was coming from them, crying out to be with the ones they loved again. Sabito pulled their shaking, crying form into his arms.

A loving and longing hug Muse had seen only Tanjirou give them. Muse could think that the pink-haired male could have that kind of feeling. But it looked like they didn't see him that way; he looked just as dead as Kin or the small female.

"Sleep, for now, young love." Sabito gently tapped their forehead with two fingers, causing a small pink light at the point of contact. Their body fell limp, holding onto Sabito tightly even in their knocked-out state. The male picked them up in his arms, their head resting against his shoulder. Tanjirou's name was softly slipping between their lips.

"Sorry, they've been frantic since they woke up here," Sabito said softly, his pale blue eyes looking down at their form. Kin merely shrugged before she began to walk toward him. Sabito held up their record to where Kin did Something the same. The body Sabito held began to fade before fading into the body Kin had.

"Wait, how did you-?" Muse asked but was cut off when their corpse coughed and shivered violently. The color returned to their lips and reddened cheeks. Frozen tears began to melt and break off the more they moved around. "Well, her body wasn't quite dead yet. So by just placing them back, they'll come back. But if their body remained in the city, ten more minutes, and they would've been bound here like the rest of us."

Muse shivered once he thought about the others waiting in the city, wondering where the former demon had taken the corpse. "Those guys won't be too happy that I snatched them, though." The shimmering white wings began to shudder and wrap around Muse's form.

"Return with news they're on Mount. Sagiri and alive, I'll return her to Urkodaki." Kin ordered calmly while beginning to walk in a different direction. The pink-haired male stood and walked to Muse, who started to stretch his wings. Muse got the idea and wrapped an arm around his waist before taking to the sky.

The new day's light warmed their skin, returning it to its original color as the small shack came into view. The light washed over the house, giving it a peaceful area. Peaceful memories of her youth with the trainer flooded her mind. And this would be the last time she would ever see him again.

Without warning, the cabin door opened to reveal the love of her life, still hiding behind a mask. The older male dropped whatever was in his hands at what was standing before him. Kin's white hair was swaying gently in the wind, blowing into her frosty blue eyes. Kin's dark skin and blue tattoos glowed in the recent morning's light.

In her arms were they, shivering and covered with blood. There was no haori to be found, and both sleeves ripped off, clenched in one hand, were their mother's small blade. Their (h/c) hair was soaking wet, sticking to anything it could.

"It's been many years... Sakonji." Kin said softly, her voice filled with love and something else he couldn't define. The female stepped closer, handing the shivering (y/n) to him. He gently placed them down by the fire and turned back to her right away.

"But how can you-" The male was cut off when Kin pulled him into a tight hug. Shakily, his arms wrapped around the female still shocked at what he saw.

"I'm sorry... This is the last time you'll ever see me. Take care of (y/n) and those children on their way to you." Kin spoke with a crack in her voice. Kin's nimble fingers undid the black fabric straps holding it to his face. Kin was the only one who ever saw the kind look in his eyes, but she knew he didn't prefer to have it off.

"Kin I- " She cut him off by placing a small kiss on his cheek before leaning back and fading into the mist. "Goodbye. My love." Urokodaki stood in shock, letting the mask fall with a clang. Clear tears streamed down his cheeks as he quickly wiped them away. He knew he'd see her again, but not while he was alive—one day.

He picked the mask up and went to take care of them. Inside, they lay on their side, shivering violently. Urokodaki gently placed a hand over theirs to find a thin frost layer with their fingertips. "You're frozen young (y/n)... "

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