"The Boar Bares its Fangs, Zenitsu Sleeps 猪は牙を剥き、善逸は眠る"

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"Here I come, rushing in like a boar! I'm pissed. I'm so damn pissed." The male screeched before jumping forwards. In response to the threat, the demon struck a drum on his left side, literally flipping the room.

Failing to keep both of feet on the ground resulted in being thrown into the wall. Tanjirou grabbed the girl to keep her from getting hurt.

"Teruko, hang on to the furniture. (y/n), are you okay?" You sat up with a soft groan while rubbing your forehead.

"Just peachy..." Something wet oozed down your leg, almost making you wince.
That tear from catching Tanjirou barely had enough time to close. Now only to be torn back open again.

Before you could regain composure, the room threw you to the right, almost smacking you with Tanjirou.

The pig-headed male was launched backward, landing right on top of the little girl.

"I'm so pissed off by these stinking bugs
messing around in my house." Tanjirou grabbed him by the ankle to remove him from Teruko.

"The room can spin. Interesting!" Tanjirou threw him off to where she bolted into your arms. Tanjirou took that as a cue to stand defensively in front of you.

"Eh? Who are you, kid?" Tanjirou's expression grew to anger.

"What's up with you! You just stepped on a little kid!" Teruko flinched in your arms, wrapping her thin ones around your much bigger frame. You gently stroked her back.

"It's okay, Teruko, we'll protect you." You hummed.

"Hahaha! You've got spunk! I like that!" The male held his blades up in an x and lowered his body into a fighting stance. "Having a human sending me flying is a first for me!" Standing, you and Tanjirou shifted out of the way of an attack. 'What's with this guy?'

He held the swords up, showing large sections that were chipped through but still sharp.

"My swords are amazing, aren't they? They are not for ordinary kids like you. They can make mincemeat out of anybody. They're my pride and joy." He beamed.

Your heart began to beat a lot faster. Why is he attacking us when a second ago he wanted to kill the demon? Your grip on Teruko tightened. He has one short attention span, that's for sure.

"Stop. The demon is over there." Tanjirou stepped backward again, only for the pig-headed male to jump forwards.

"I don't care! Stinking bugs. Get out of my sight and die!" At the beat of the drum, the tatami split open. Four long lines on the floor similar to demons claws or wild animals. Sweat began to clump at your palms and the back of your neck. It slowly rolled down your neck, causing a shudder.

"Stupid bug. You damn stinking bugs!" The Demon began to beat his drum several more times. Turning the room to the right, then left. You shifted so Teruko wouldn't get hurt in all of the movement.

The pig-headed male fell through the door, groaning in pain. Tanjirou's hand latched onto your arm to pull you flush against him. Teruko let out a small screech as a giant claw mark appeared where you once were.

At the sounds of several faint drum beats, the room changed several more times. 'There has to be more than one demon here.'

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