"Frozen away 燃え尽きる"

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"Even though... I got here in time; I was too late." A crying child clung tight to their pants, afraid to glance up. The child clung on so tightly that their knuckles turned white, tears streaming down their bloodied cheeks.

"Get back here. I won't let you get away with this! Not after what you just did."

Everything they went through in the past few days was useless. The lives of everyone here were ruined, the wives were in a safe condition at least, but so many more had been lost in their place. The four dressed as girls and Tengen's embarrassing makeup skills, having to bow down to elders who only saw them as a way to make money. Zenitsu had lost contact a day ago, and Tengen wanted to call everything off. Yet, they were staring at the upper moon in the face.

(y/n) was livid.

"What's wrong? Still, have something to say? Your efforts are atrocious, and there's no reason to let you ugly people live. So do us a favor and die alongside them." Daki stood on top of the buildings, staring down. Buildings, homes, and even lives are all over Tanjirou and down his abdomen. A large laceration covered his torso. Blood pooled into his eyes as he stared, not blinking even once. She'll wreak havoc if he dares take his eyes off the demon.

All they could do was stare. Fingers dropped the blade by their feet. Daki laughed. Her voice rang throughout their growing mind. Their heartbeat thudded against their eardrums. A voice so soft it rang above the screams.

"Young Master! You don't even deserve that name anymore. Huh? All you're gonna do is stare? I know I'm pretty. But come on."

All of their blood simmered to a boil, overflowing through their veins. Daki's tongue looked like a snake. Before she could move, a blade coated in blood was at her tender throat. Daki dared to glance down, a shocked smile still plastered on her face. Instead, she met their gaze, staring dead-on into hers. The eye staring on through her soul spoke more words than they ever could.

If she dared utter a word, death would be the easy way out of her situation. Almost as if it were a different person wishing death upon the upper moon. Daki's hand rose, only for the blade to sink into her flesh, and the movements halted.

"Y-you wouldn't... Young Master?"

Her eyes darted off, making eye contact with someone behind them. (y/n) stepped back, and her body slackened. The demon's guard dropped.

"S-see... You wouldn't-"

Their hands seized two fistfuls of the white hair; they jerked Daki's head down so her nose connected with their knee. It replicated until she gasped in pain and blood soaked through their clothes. Daki's hands clawed at their thigh, barely able to tear the uniform. The demon panicked as the small dagger almost met her neck. Yet, she managed to rip free from the assault and jump away. 

(y/n) reached out, once again grabbing a fistful of the white hair. Daki yelped painfully, only letting amusement glint in their eyes. Tanjirou grabbed her ankle, yanking her down. She flipped around, cutting their cheek, and had her ankle sliced off but managed to escape again.

All they could do was watch from Tanjirou's side. He stared with such intensity it set their thoughts smoldering. "Those lives will never return. They'll never regenerate. Humans don't have that luxury."

Every knuckle in their fingers cracked, urging them to tear through her flesh. Making every cell feel what they felt. Feel every inch of pain she caused onto others, carve it so deep her cells remember.

"And yet you kill. Why trample over the lives of the innocent?" He let the black sword rest on his shoulder. He was still gazing deep into her soul. Yet, they could feel the fear residing deep inside Daki. Her eyes didn't dare leave the slayers in front of her as her fingers probed her temple.

A man older than Tanjirou stood in front of them. It was almost as if a part of the past, yet so real they could touch it. Wild firey hair pulled into a ponytail, a deadly glare set on them. They looked much like Tanjirou, even with similar forehead marks.

With such a disregard for human life. What's so amusing about this? So tell me then, what is the weight of human lives to you?

"Why can't you understand?" Tanjirou hissed. Now it was evident. That memory didn't belong to (y/n). It belonged to Muzan himself. His cells remembered something carved so deep into his mind that he'll never forget it.

How could you ever forget?

Her hand lowered. "What is it? Spit it out."

Tanjirou's words, although spoken with truth, could never reach someone so lost. "You were once human, remember? That means you once shed tears and suffered like any other."

Humans suffer. They all do, in their ways. (y/n)'s suffered living between both worlds. Never being accepted by either, so making their way through the trials given was the only way. Yet, Daki only sought to make her path coated with blood for the sake of something superficial like attractiveness.

"Just when I thought you two couldn't get any more annoying. I don't remember anything about the past. I'm a demon now, so who cares?" Daki punched the roof, a competent grin growing on her dull features. "Life is better like this. Us demons don't have to find food or grow old. We don't get sick or die. We have nothing to lose."

She stood, eyes growing wild with confidence. It oozed off her in any way it could. "Not to mention, beautiful powerful demons can do anything we want."

They rose the small blade, pointing it again at the demon before them. (y/n)'s had adequately enough of the vile voice filling their mind. Tanjirou leaned forwards.

"If you bite your tongue, you'll perish from acid poisoning. Snake."

The belts went above, overlaying in a pattern. It left them nowhere to run, but she became slow. Tanjirou's sword lifted, slicing through each one. (y/n) rushed forwards, digging the small blade into her arm. They dragged it down until Daki's arm was torn in half. One belt came down, forcing them to separate from the main body.

Tanjrou offensively cut more of the belt, then covered an attack from above. (y/n) blocked an attack from the right, sending sparks flying onto the rooftop. Her fingers trembled the more her attacks failed. Yet, not a single one could land on the two. Nevertheless, the distance had been maintained, and damage was still dealt with.

She jumped away to a different area, aiming for another long-range attack. Unfortunately, her movements were hindered again. Everything in their body hummed with energy as they closed in, even picking up the bigger blade.

Tanjirou jumped to the side, easily dodging her attack. He closed in, the blade nearly cutting through. Yet, she turned her neck soft, barely escaping death.

Breath of Radiation frost; Form 2; Cold front

"Only if someone like you, could hope to decapitate a demon as strong as me."

The blades plunged deep into her abdomen, slicing a chunk off the waist. Frost spread along with her limbs and froze her blood. The belts came crashing down, but he blocked all her hits while they jumped away.

Her expression grew frantic, throwing as many attacks as she could muster. "You're not getting away! Hideous, vile scum!" The number of belts increased to thirteen. Their body lowered, pointing the two blades across each other. For some reason, they moved so slowly.

Form 3- Double radiations

The blades cut through each one, squirting blood onto their haori. Yet, they still moved. "Try to cut me now! You can't! That last one was nothing more than a fluke."

(y/n) needed a way to halt these belts. They continued to block, gathering all of them into one spot. Lifting the blades, they pierced them and bonded them to the roof.

Breath of Radiation Frost; Form 1- Earthly Frost

All the movement ceased. She pulled the belts, aiming for (y/n) to be dragged along with it. But instead, Tanjirou took the opening, attacking anything that got in his way.

The blade came centimeters away from her neck when his movement stopped. Everything froze.

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