"Something More Important Than Life 命より大事なもの"

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(An- I died when I saw this^, also, two in less than a week? I be doing good hehe)

The room spun again, making you jump but fail at landing. Your body crashed face-first into a wall only to be thrown backward.

The room yanked you to the right, colliding you with Tanjirou. 'If I don't think of something quick, my body is going to give out on me.'

You landed and skidded just a few feet away. 'With this distance, none of my forms will even make an effective attack. Most of them are close combative.' You chewed on your lip in thought. 'Tanjirou isn't in any better of a position I am.' Clenching the hilt of your blade sent something surging throughout you.

Another claw mark attacked with a slight delay, just enough for you to dodge it. After two more failed attempts, the demon kept spinning the room left and right. Each time you would land instantly on your wounded leg. Each time you braced an impact with your arms, loud, uncomfortable cracks echoed in your ears. Then, the room spun again, this time sending you sliding along the ceiling.

Tanjirou slid past you to where you snatched his wrist. The sheer weight felt like it yanked your arm right out of its socket. A loud yelp of pain ripped from your throat.

Then, something hit your hand. Making you involuntarily release your hold. Both of you slid downwards towards the Soji. Debrie knocked the doors out and into the darkness.

Just by the skin of your teeth, your fingers caught onto the threshold of the door. Tanjirou's weight yanked on your arm even more. 'It hurts. This isn't good. My arm is going numb again. Or worse.'

Your fingertips began to slip, one by one. That was until the room flipped, throwing you onto the ground. Tanjirou landed harshly onto you, pushing all the air from your lungs.

Standing up, you clenched the hilt much harder than before. Your fingers barely moved; however, you were trying to move them.

Tanjirou watched as your fingers twitched around the hilt.

"You! What's your name?" The Demon drew back in surprise. Tanjirou took a stance in front of you.

"It's Kyogai." Switching the blade over to your good arm, you listened in a while, trying to figure out what to do. With only one arm, it was only half the power and mobility. 'This isn't good. Tanjirou has to relocate my shoulder, but we don't have any time.'

"Kyogai. Listen to me! We will not let you have the child! It's futile!" The Demon began to grow agitated and launched several attacks at once. The room started to spin rapidly. Thus, taking you with it.

"I will have that child and reclaim my place among the twelve moons!"  Kyogai hit the drums at even a faster pace.

"Oh, Shi-" Tanjirou grabbed you by the waist as the room began to spin again, only this time with so much force, the two of you floated in the center.

"(y/n)!!" Your gaze flicked from the demon to Tanjirou. The pain began to lace up your shoulders and neck. 'If I don't relocate this soon, I'll be in even more pain and distracted.'

"Yank my arm by the wrist without landing on those papers." Tanjirou looked at you, confused.

"Catching you dislocated my shoulder earlier, and I can't move my arm. It's not a permanent fix, but I can use something." There was no chance of relocating it by yourself. Hopefully, Tanjirou's weight would put enough force on it.

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