"Insult 侮辱"

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The boy stepped through the tear into your subconscious. Immediately she was met with rolls of grassy hills. Large red shrine gates sat scattered among the mountain stuck in a permanent dusk. Whispy clouds splattered across the horizon, trapped in a golden hue.

A small rabbit, multicolored, came hopping through the grass. Peeking its (f/c) ears above the grass, it stared at them curiously. Finally, the tiny creature turned around, motioning for the child to follow.

He came to a flat area along the grassy planes, surrounding several large shrine gates. At the center stood a single orb. It's stormy inside generated snow to fall within the shrine. The small rabbit hopped through, turning a crisp white.

The boy stared at the snowy beyond, entranced by the stark contrast. The boy hesitantly took a step-through, feeling his entire body warm from the inside out. Its warmth spread to his chest despite the chilled atmosphere.

The sudden storm stopped, the sun shined from above the crisp falling snow.

"It's so... Pretty. Wonder is this it?" The small rabbit clung to his leg, shivering against the snowfall. "Why is it snowing?"

"What are you doing here?" The boy glanced up to see a child standing by the gate. Long blue hair encased around her shoulders. She held a small sword yet was calm about the situation.

"You need to leave, they're waking up." Before he could ask, a hole opened beneath his feet, sucking him into the darkness. The rabbit nuzzled his nose before hopping away.

Your body felt numb by the time you had come too. It was silent except for small whines. By the sound, it was Nezuko. A slight demonic scent drifted through the air. Was that a demon who put you to sleep? How come you hadn't noticed it before?

A scream interrupted your thoughts. You certainly would have flinched if you could move. But, by the sound alone, it was Tanjirou. Did he wake up?

"Nezuko, are you okay?" His question was answered with a small happy hum. "Zenitsu. Inosuke. Rengoku. (y/n). Who are these people tied to our wrists with a rope?"

While he was trying to figure this out, you were trying to move. But, instead, everything about your body felt numb. The only movement allowed was a slight twitch of your brow and shallow breathing.

"Did Nezuko burn the rope? There's a faint smell of a demon. Is this smell also on the ticket?"

It got your mind thinking. How did a demon hide such a blood art without a traceable scent?

"As I thought. There is also the faint smell of a demon on it. We must have been hypnotized when the ticket was cut." When the ticket was cut? Well, that helps a lot. The conductor was in on it? Wouldn't be surprised. He looked so sad.

"I think it's best to not use a sword for this. Nezuko, please. Can you burn the ropes? Zenitsu, wake up! Wake up, Zenitsu! Wake up quickly! Wake up quickly, Inosuke, please! Inosuke!"

There was a slight warmth around your wrist. Instantly, the feeling in your fingers came back. Hands clamped around your shoulders, shaking you slightly.

"(y/n)! Wake up! Come on!" Gee, sure wish you could. Maybe in a few minutes. Another body, probably Nezuko, wrapped her arms around you. She whimpers slightly to get you up.

"Hey! Don't try to stop me! It's your fault for coming! Stopping me from having a good dream!" A younger girl yelled. Anger and sadness laced her voice.

Your entire body grew tense at the sudden threat. The movement in your hands and arms came too, slowly following the rest of your body.

"Why are you still in a daze? If you're awake, hurry up and help! I don't care if you have Tuberculosis or whatever! If you don't do things well I'm going to tell that- tell him not to let you dream!" A different girl yelled. Dream? Would the demon give them good dreams if they did something for him?

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