"Doku sa reta 毒された"

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Their head throbbed. The pain felt like someone had taken a knife to their skull. Squeezing their eyes shut, they willed the pain to go away. The rest of the world became detached; all they could concentrate on was the deep pain in their head. (y/n) could barely hear the people chattering around them. All they felt, all they knew was the pain of that moment. It was always the same, a crushing pain just on one side of their head that came and went in a pattern. It made them want to pace about; they couldn't sit, they couldn't lie down or relax. One eye would water on the painful side, and their nose would run. They hated it.

"Hey... You okay (y/n)?" Slowly, they turned towards Tanjirou. His eyes glittered with concern in the new moon's light.

Hear my voice beneath the pain. Awaken now so peacefully.

They brought a hand up to run it through their now dampening hair. "Hm, I'm fine." Still, they found it hard to concentrate. The throbbing behind their left eye made it even hard to think. Even though they felt the cluster headache grow, they didn't want to drag the group down. So, they kept walking.

Tanjirou looked at them, sweat licking their skin and looking sick. Worry grew within his chest. He wondered why he couldn't get an answer other than I'm fine out of them.

Slowly, the forest path ahead grew more blurred. Tanjirou waved a hand in front of their face, snapping them from the slight trace they had been in. Jolted, they glanced back at him,

 "What?" A worried frown pulled on his lips. "You didn't even hear Chi, did you?" 

At the sunrise, you shall hide for all eternity. Let the blood fill your lungs.

"I think we should rest." Tanjirou turned to Zenitsu and Inosuke, who seemed to be on edge. Pressing their cold palm to their head, they gave a slight nod. "That... Might be best." Tanjrou grabbed their hand, leading them to a tree. There he urged them to sit. Their cluster headache grew worse at the altitude change, but they did it anyway.

(y/n) rested their head against the tree, closing their pulsing eyes.

Why do they resist your fate?

"I don't want to be like that..." They muttered, despite what they had just decided on doing. Each word lazily left their lips.

Why? Why deny everything I am trying to give you?

At this point, Tanjirou and the rest thought (y/n) was asleep or talking in their sleep. They winced, feeling the pain grow.

There is no escaping it.

His voice was overbearing, making their face contort with pain. "Be quieter, you're too loud." With their request, the voice faded off into the distant part of their mind. It was troublesome to deal with. they curled up, resting their head on their knees.

To Tanjirou and the others, they seemed frozen. Although Tanjirou was worried, he thought it best to leave them alone for a few minutes. He pushed Inosuke and Zenitsu away a few feet. Make sure that they get the small amount of quiet time they need.

In the forest where they breathe in every possible way to expand. The soft scents of flora. Some ancient souls stretch into everything around them. The soothing sweet sounds of the animals and leaves swaying in the wind. That is where they found their peace. Although, for them, there was no snow softly falling from the sky. Snowflakes that would land on their nose, turning them pink. But the green forest around they would do.

Struggle not; soon, peace will come in taking in your final breath.

Softly, there were the light sounds of someone humming. It swirled through the air, growing louder. The sounds going higher and lower were intoxicating. Shakily they lifted their head, only to see no one.

The sounds grew quiet before growing louder—the soft humming lulled the pain to fade. Their eyes grew dark as they stood. They were determined to find the source of the voice. Their feet stumbled as they walked off the known path and into the forest.

Sink to the depths with me, for you've lost your way. Sink with me.

It sounded so pure, irresistibly sweet, yet their sadness and grief were laced in their hum. Without knowing it, they continued walking, being pulled towards the sound of the voice. The trees slowly passed, the wind entangling its fingers with its leaves. It lifted it from the trees' leaves to their hair, gently urging them forwards.

Soon, they stoically walked into a clearing... There at the center, a person. He noticed they were staring and out folded wings whiter than the snow on the mountain tops. He sang more, allowing his voice to drift on the wind.

Have they tried to fight the demons inside? Only to engulf their lonely tears.

(y/n) walked to him, pulled by an invisible string of symphony that drifted from his lips. He outreached a hand, urging them closer. They soon found themselves lost in azure eyes; they moved closer until he was within reach.

They had seen him many times before, and they even knew his name, but they knew they had fallen in love with the sweet hums and notes leaving his lips.

Sink to the depths with me, for you've lost your way. Sink with me.

Slowly he stood, looking down at them. The snowy wings wrap around them, concealing them from the world. He let the last note of his song curl slowly from his lips. He leaned down and attached his lips to yours. They released a breath and fell limp into his arms.

They were drifting into an uneasy rest, not bothering to break free from the enchanting sound.

Sink with me, won't you?

After five minutes, Tanjirou deiced to check in on them. He found that they weren't there walking around the tree—fear shot through his veins. Tanjirou turned around, trying to see if he could tell how they may have gone.

Inosuke yelled, "Oi, Kantaro, where is Angelface?"

Zenitsu also noticed that Tanjirou was distressed. "Did they guys hear singing?" Tanjirou grabbed his shoulders, shaking them.

"Where is it coming from?" He asked, impatience getting the best of him.

"Tanjirou, calm down!" Zenitsu cried, trying to calm himself down. Worry was etched into every feature of his face. He pointed in the direction of the sound.

"That way..." Tanjirou motioned for the other two to follow behind. When just following the singing, he heard a loud deranged sound. He stopped in his tracks.

"A demon?" Tanjirou questioned.

"That was loud." Zenitsu whimpered, covering his ears. Tanjirou spotted their lovebird flying straight for him. He offered his hand for her to land on. "Chi? Where is (y/n)?" Tanjirou asked. Chi flapped up into the air, leading them.

They burst into an opening. On the ground was (y/n) with a look-alike on top with their back. Wide green eyes stared down at (y/n) with the sword sheath in its mouth, it cracked underneath the pressure, and Tanjirou's heart sank.

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