"Together Forever ずっと一緒にいる"

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"You bastard! As long as I bring your head back, I can get our lord's acceptance. I'll never forgive you! You let my face touch this dirty ground! You're going down with me!"

Their attention snapped towards the Demon and his discarded body lying limp. Once dead, hands opened to reveal those eyes. The second they made eye contact with them, a flurry of arrows shot through Tanjirou's abdomen. Ditching the blade, (y/n) scrambled off the ground to grab his hand before he was yanked off into another direction.

"(y-y/n)!" Their fingertips barely connected into a full grip before he pulled them along. Their hand clenched tightly onto his to slow him down.

"T-Tanji-Kun!" A yelp escaped their throat when he suddenly changed direction towards the house. With his free hand, he performed a move to lessen the impact. However, it was enough to where the law changed again suddenly. Their hand was ripped from his, sending them to fall about three stories high.

All the air in their lungs was forcibly pushed they collided harshly with the ground. It took a minute to register what happened before a flurry of water flashed at the edge of their vision. Despite their body screaming in protest, they get up shakily. Then, unsheathing their smaller blade, (y/n) stuck it in between their teeth while continuing to shuffle forwards.

Tanjirou above they kept almost crashing into things, making consecutive moves so that he'd even survive it. Every inch of them could only move a few feet before nearly collapsing in pain. Their breath was wildly out of control, and a painful wince rested on their face. Taking the blade from their teeth, they stood over the Demon. A jolt of pain shot up every nerve, ending, falling to their knees.

"I won't let them win! Even If I fall apart!" The Demon caught their dead glare before shivering.

"Then freeze to death."

(y/n) plunged the blade deep into his eye socket with all of its weight. Blood squirted up and into their eye as the Demon froze inside out. He faded away as Tanjirou stopped falling. Their own body couldn't even handle their weight and toppled over.

"C-Curse you..." The Demon uttered with its last breath. The previous words caused them to laugh shakily. "T-Too... Late for that."

This time they certainly wouldn't be moving of their own will. So instead, they stare at the rising sun. Its golden speckled rays splattered over the battlefield. Bitter blue fluoresced into amber pinks and oranges. The darkness of night was beginning to vanish.

"Don't inhale Lady Tamayo's spell. It can be harmful to humans. Get it?" Yushirou slammed a wet towel over Tanjirou's mouth out of the corner of their eye. The pastel-haired male glanced around the property until his light violet eyes landed on their still form. Quickly, he walked over to them and sat them up in his arms. The movement caused their face to contort with pain.

"Hey... I'll get your sword later. Let's get treated."

Their gaze shifted towards their mother's blade stuck into the ground. "T-That... P-Please Yushirou," (y/n) whispered. It was barely even audible. Their non-dominate hands twitch, attempting to reach for it. "I-It's all I have... Have left."

Yushirou gently plucked the blade from the ground and placed it into the palm of their hand. Then, shakily, their fingers curled weakly around the hilt.

Their head rested lightly on his shoulder as (y/n)'s eyes fluttered shut. Yushirou stood, hurrying to walk back inside because of the rising sun. Why were they so alluring to him in the first place? He can't help but be kind to a soul such as them.

Tanjirou watched as the male vanished behind the door to the basement. Shakily, Tanjirou sat up. The glow of the new day's sun-warmed his aching bones and soul. He thought how for granted, humans protect from the wickedness, snares of demons, and those who prowl about the land.

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