"Shinkō ga aru tokoro 信仰があるところ"

713 31 6

Yushirou tugged (y/n) into the forest, going to the very edge. This was a place they hadn't seen before. Yushirou turned to look at them, keeping up with his speed.

"How did them even get in that state?" He asked while studying the demon form. They looked human enough, except for the demonic look to their eyes, the long nails, and the markings, among a few other things.

They blankly looked at him, a slight hum escaping their lips.

"Oh great, another Nezuko." When his pace slowed when they came to a canyon wall, Yushirou dragged them inside without hesitation.

"Tamayo! I've got (y/n)!" He yelled. Inside was a familiar house, with Sakura trees surrounding the property. Aflash of the trees coated in ice popped into their head before vanishing again. A warm feeling flooded their chest. He tugged them inside by the hand, leading them into the artificial light of the house.

"Yushirou? Is that them?" The female voice echoed. When He responded with a yes, she walked out. A peaceful smile on her lips. "(y/n), How have you been?"

Ditching Yushirou, they bolted into her arms, throwing their arms around her in a hug. "(y/n) Get off her!" Yushirou snapped. They completely ignore him. Her familiar scent enveloped them; they found it utterly distracting.

"It's okay."

(y/n) buried their face into her shoulder, enjoying the gentle touch. "Yes, I found them with Muse in the city," Yushirou stated, placing his hands in his Yukata. Slowly Tamayo stood. They let go of her but stood there blankly.

"Hm, I wonder where Tanjirou is? Surely he couldn't have left them behind in this state." Tamayo hummed, now walking away. Humming, they contently followed.

"He wasn't anywhere in the city, far as I could tell." Yushirou started, now pursuing her down the hall. "They had them contained with the red threads, but they were chained to Muse, and once they were freed, they immediately got away from him."

"Looks like I was right... Muzan tainted their mind." Tamayo said while stopping at a room. She pushed their shoulders down, now starting to pull the hair from their face.

"Ma'am, is that even necessary?"

"Not really. They seem to have some control over themselves. I don't smell human blood. But might as well." Slowly, she pulled the hair from their face. Once she was done, she placed a bamboo muzzle over (y/n)'s mouth.

"What should we do with them?" Yushirou asked, now sitting in front of them. "They merely need to be brought back to their senses." Tamayo took a seat by them, making a triangle motion. "What of the antidote?" They fell over, nuzzling Tamayo's hand.

"They'll die if we use that, and there are only two doses..." She looked down at them, a small smile tracing her lips. "What, why?" Yushirou didn't exactly know what to do in this situation.

"Because Muzan's cells make up half their DNA, taking those away when they're in this state would kill them." Tamayo's smile faded the more serious she got.

"Well, this should be interesting." Yushirou sighed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Very much indeed, Yushirou..." (y/n) curled onto their side, sleep wanting to overtake them after being up for three days straight. There was a knot forming in their chest, and for some reason, it felt like someone they knew was in danger.

Raya walked down the halls to check in on her patient in the dead of night. It had been close to four days since the group had come to the Wisteria house. Any longer with this fever, and Tanjirou surely wouldn't make it.

Slowly, she creaked the door open. She was holding the cleaned clothes close to her chest. It was difficult to repair the blue one and remove the blood from the checkered one. But she had managed to do it. Opening the door just a crack, a strained voice whispered about the room making her freeze.

"A-at least... you're okay, N-Nezuko..." When it was silent for a moment, she walked in. Raya remembered to close the door softly enough not to wake anyone.

She placed the clothes on the futon. There was another girl she had seen before, cuddling Tanjirou, nuzzling into his neck. Although, Raya knew she was a demon. No demon would cuddle someone human like that. Seeing it as a sign, Raya kept quiet about it and had decided to when she first saw her.

She stood, leaning over the counter to fill a glass with water. A small groan echoed throughout the air, telling her that Tanjirou was awake and not talking in his sleep. Once the glass was full, she knelt beside him.

"So, you're awake?" She whispered. Tanjirou sleepily looked over at her. Slowly he nodded. He looked up at her through his blurred vision—Raya noticed his hand, gently soothingly stroking her hair again.

She pressed the back of her hand to his cheek, feeling it as his skin cooled. "Looks like your fever is breaking."

Tanjirou closed his eyes and took a breath, calming himself. "Fever...?"

Raya hummed a response, picking up the glass of water. "Can you sit up yet?"

Tanjirou attempted but couldn't quite find the strength to move. "That's okay..." Rayacurled the hand around the back of his neck and lifted him. Carefully she brought the glass to his mouth, letting him drink as much as pleased.

He drank until there was nothing left in the cup.

"Well. You were thirsty, to be expected for them sleeping for three days." Removing the cup, she let him rest again. "That long...?"

"With their wound and fever on top of that, I wasn't too surprised."

Tanjirou gently moved his hand to rest on his sister's head. Raya placed a cool towel on his forehead, helping to bring down his fever further. "By the morning, you should be well enough to move."

"Thank you." Tanjirou smiled weakly, sleepiness overtaking him.

She guessed that he wasn't in too much pain. Raya smiled softly at him before leaving the room. She leaned against the wall near the door. She bit into her lip, holding back her tears.

"It was them that hurt them... Wasn't it, Muse?"

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