"Kizutsuita kokoro 傷ついた心"

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Zenistu's electric yellow eyes pried open as he sat up. Although his head screamed in protest, and his stomach seemed to agree. It was an odd feeling, to be honest. He couldn't remember; Zenitsu was holding his blade, and the faint sound of a siren singing echoed within his mind.

He glanced around the forest path through his blurred vision of where he had last seen Tanjirou and the others. There were the soft sounds of birds echoing above. Mammals, primarily small, others not, are moving about foraging for food. Faint sounds of echoing water flowed quietly until it met a sharp outcropping of rocks and a waterfall.

It took Zenitsu a few moments to remember where he was to think past the pounding behind his skull.

"Tanjirou? Inosuke, (y/n)!" Zenitsu found their ripped haori and sword on the ground; Tanjirou was knocked out, clenching his abdomen, and Inosuke was curled on his side a few feet away. Zenitsu shot off the ground and hurried across the land in a panic. It felt as if his legs were made out of jelly the best he could anyway.

Tanjirou's lower half was soaked in blood, so much so that a small pool formed around him.

"Tanjirou! Can you hear me! Are they dead? Answer me!"

Tanjirou suddenly shot up, eyes wide with fear. "No! Bring them back, Muse, the bastard!"

The frantic male pushed Zenitsu off and attempted to stand. His legs stood shakily, and he used the tree as a crutch. He panted loudly and turned to the tiny drops of blood in the dirt and their haori and sword.

Zenitsu reached out for Tanjirou to stop him, but Tanjirou couldn't even move. So he stood there, eyes foggy and hair messed up.

"(y/n) I-" Tanjirou whispered weakly before his knees gave out. He slumped against the tree, almost falling on Zenitsu. (y/n)'s name echoed softly out of Tanjirou's lips. Zenitsu grabbed him by the shoulders, took off Nezuko's box, and let her out.

The small female grew to her full size before looking around non-contentedly.

Inosuke sat up groggily, then looked around. His mask fell a minute later as he realized they weren't with the group anymore. "Where is AngelFace!?"

Zenitsu was mentally panicking, and Inosuke flipping out wasn't making it any better.

"I-I don't know, but he's wounded." Inosuke shot off the ground in a pissed-off notion.

"Why didn't they say so sooner, ZoomBoy!?" The blue-headed male stomped over to their sword and haori to where Chi zoomed out, confused. Chi would often sleep in the pocket unless she received orders.

Inosuke lightly moved Chi with his hand. As a result, she chilled on his head. Standing, he pulled out a white cloth that resembled a bandage. They always carried it around just in case anyone got wounded. Standing, he threw the shredded haori over Zenitsu's face.

"Lift!" The yellow-haired male lifted Tanjirou's stiff form so that he sat upright.

"What are they waiting for! A storm is brewing!" The low rumbles rippled across the sky, warning of the impending storm. There would be no calm; the rain would fall from the heavens without warning.

It was a matter of timing and beating it inside before the storm.

"W-where do we go through?" Zenitsu asked. Chi pipped up and started to hover in front of Zentisu's face. The small lovebird made a motion for them to follow.

Inosuke grabbed Chi in his hand, "How far!?" He demanded. Chi wiggled out of his grasp. Inosuke picked Tanjirou up and placed him carefully on his back. They need to leave right away before the storm hits. Zenitsu tied their Haori around Tanjirou and Inosuke, keeping the wounded in place. Without warning, Inosuke started to run off in the Chi directed him.

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