"Rirakkusu... ? • リラックス...?"

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EDITED: September 8th, 2020 (1:36 am... I do not know sleep at this point. Also fuff chapppieee. If you have any ideas for fluff. I'll take em hehe.

Your mind felt as if it was awake. But everything was motionless. Tanjirou sat in front of you, talking quietly to Zenitsu. Inosuke was leaning on his hand, falling asleep.

Your body tilted, sliding down onto the floor from its sitting position. You wanted to reach out for someone to shake you awake. Force you out of this strange fever dream.

A cold sweat slowly slid down the back of your neck and arms. Gathering at your palms and brow. As if the room had grown fourth degrees hotter.

Tanjirou shifted to turn around, his back facing you. Zenitsu merely laughed, the echoes being muffled by some unknown force.

Although you couldn't move, let alone speak, you decided to ride it out. As you stared, something shifted in the corner of the room catching your eye.

It's shadow stretched across the floor, reaching your fingertips. His body stood tall with a large grin with too many teeth to even fit inside his mouth. Bright eyes stared with deadly intent at you. Slowly, his mouth pulled into an uncomfortable grin.

Every muscle in your body tensed as he took a step forwards. The floor boards creaking slightly with each short stride. Internally, you began to cry out for help, not knowing if your voice would project.

Absolute terror pulsed through out your body. Forcing an involuntary shiver down your spine.

"It's your..." It was soft-spoken, a broken voice that made you fearful. As the shadow fell over Inosuke, blood splattered up onto the walls.

"It's all your fault..." The shadow stepped closer, letting the darkness fall over Tanjirou and Zenitsu. It left their bodies mangled, eyes widened with fear and betrayal.

'S-stop it! Stop it!' You cried in vain. The shadow now stood over you, reaching down a hand. It's twisted fingers sharpened into claws, coated with blood.

It's smile grew wider, stretching to its ears. A heavy tightening pressed on your chest, making it hard to breathe. It came out raspy.

You stared up at him as a shadowed hand was inches away from your neck. Every part of you was trying desperately to move, even as much as a twitch. A loud scream echoed within your mind as his hand latched onto your shoulder shaking you.

"Bring them back!" Immediately, you smacked its hand away, only for it to vanish. Your eyes shot open. Only to see all three boys looking at you curiously.

"(y/n). Calm down. It's okay." Tanjirou sat in front of you, holding tightly onto your shoulders. You shakily met his eyes that were filled with concern.

Your hands gripped your arms, trying to calm down. Shakily, your arms grabbed Tanjirou's forearms, pulling him closer to you.

The male took this as a sign and moved a little closer. Thus allowing you to hug him unexpectedly.

Still a little shaken, Tanjirou wrapped his arms around you.

"What's up with AngelFace?" Inosuke pointed out curiously. Zenitsu was waiting on Tanjirou's answer.  Meanwhile the male looked hesitantly between the boys.

"It's a little complicated. Just recently, something traumatic happened to them, causing this." Tanjirou's hand stroked the back of your head in an effort to calm your state. There would be many nights where he'd wake up to see you crying or shivering in your sleep. No matter how hard Tanjirou tried, the nightmares never ceased.

"Is it because of the mansion or?" Zenitsu asked innocently. Even if his intentions were pure, it still caused you to flinch violently.

"Not quite..." Tanjirou glanced down, silently asking for permission to tell them. If they were gonna stay, might as well let them know.

"You see, once we encountered a demon, it ended up scarring them. Leaving behind their sleep paralysis. Or at least that's what the doctor calls it." Your grip on him tightened. He was your very grip on reality at the moment, and in no way where you going to let it go.

Zenitsu grabbed Inosuke by the collar and began to drag him out of the room. "We'll leave you two alone for a minute!" Inosuke didn't really seem to care and was just dragged off.

"Hey, Blossom." The back of his hand grazed against your cheek. You shakily looked up at him, tears streaming down your cheeks. "It's alright. I'm not going anywhere, and neither is everyone else." He whispered.

"B-but you were..." Tanjirou's eyes locked with your fearful gaze. His fingertips gently intertwined with the strands of your hair. "Everyone was-"

Tanjirou's thumb stroked your skin in in soothing manner. "I know. But it was just a dream. I'd never leave you or anyone else." He quickly placed a soft kiss on your nose. This making your nose crunch up cutely.

You took a breath and relaxed a little bit. Tanjirou had always a knack for calming others down. Somehow, his persona was a calm sky with fluffy clouds. Something only a creature of the night would hate.

A warm smile pulled on your lips as you pressed his warm hand to your cheek. "Thank you Tanji-Kun."

Your gaze lowered to his lips, slightly parted yet bitten on the edge ever so slightly. He leaned in, almost making you jump from the sudden movement. "Can I?"

Your own smile grew wider as bufferflies erupted in your stomach. You answered with a slight nod. Then, you were met with his lips connecting with yours in a soft embrace. Yet it felt like he was holding back something fierce.

When the need for air arises, the two of you parted slightly. Warm, blushed expressions melted into your faces.

"Tanjirou! Angel!! Foods ready!" Zenitsu called from outside the door. The sudden command made the both of you jump. You ended up giggling from the small freight.

"Hungry?" Tanjirou asked. Just then, a loud growl echoed from your stomach. "I think so. Let's go."


Through the dead of night, something next to you shifted, causing a stir in your sleep.

"Hey, Blossom." A faint voice echoed weakly from the outside of your dark slumber. Thinking it was a dream, you pulled the blankets higher so they nuseled against your body.

"Cherry Blossom. Wake up." The second time it happened forced you to wake slightly. Peeking over the covers revealed a sleepy Tanjirou hovering over.

"Hmm?" You hummed. Groggy, you shifted to face the male. He placed a hand on the pillow while a pleadful look glossed in his eyes. Even more so in the darkness of the room.

"Can I?" Before answering, you looked to Inosuke and Zenitsu. One of them being spread out on the ground. Missing his tufon completely.

"Always." Scooting over a little bit allowed Tanjirou to climb underneath the blanket with you. The male moved close enough for you to snuggle into his grasp.

Tanjirou's earthy incense smell was comforting and his calm breathing only made you want to fall back asleep.

"Did it happen again?" You mumbled. For a while, Tanjirou couldn't fall asleep and you'd have sleep paralysis from trauma and stress. But you two were always there to help each other through it.

"Hmm..." His soft hum made your heart flutter. One of his arms rested lightly on your waist while the other acted as a pillow.

"It's okay Tanji-Kun. Just try to relax, okay?" You copied his arm placement and snuggled in. In order to help him fall asleep, you began to hum softly.

For the longest time, it was silent in the room except for the soothing hums. After awhile, Tanjirou's breathing patterns slowed. Taking a peek, his eyes were softly shut with a small peaceful smile tugging on the edges of his mouth.

You gently placed a kiss on his forehead as your goodnight. Going back to your dreamless slumber came easy while tucked away in your boyfriend's arms.

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