Chapter 2

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Alex's P.O.V

"So, have you done your homework?" I ask Johnnie as we were walking towards the school entrance.

"Shit! I was too busy uploading that video to My Digital Escape! I'm fucked aren't I?!" Johnnie asked me.

"A little." I laughed.

We arrived into school, getting dirty looks from everyone as usual but we ignored them (as usual.) We eventually found our form room and took our seats at the back.

"They're coming in" I told Johnnie, indicating that the bitches of our year were going to arrive. I didn't usually stand up to them because I don't like confrontation but sometimes Johnnie confronted them for me (which I would feel bad about after). I suppose it was good to know that he cared.

"Don't say anything, Johnnie, even if they start" I told him, keeping my head down low and moving my blue fringe over my eyes in an attempt to hide.

"Okay, if you say so" Johnnie said.

They all walked in, the girls and their boyfriends, all laughing and talking about some party they had been to the day before. Blonde bimbo, Miranda, sat down at her seat at the front of the class. Shortly after, the rest of the guys followed and sat down next to her. Miranda was one of those girls who had money, popularity and daddy paying for everything for her.

"She did what?" Julie, one of Mirandas many friends, screeched.

"OMG, she didn't" Betty, another friend, said shocked.

"Did you see what she was wearing at the party?" Ann said playing with her blonde hair.

Johnnie looked at me with the kill-me-now-they-are-so-annoying look and I laughed.

"I know, Johnnie" I said.

"Were you laughing at me?" Miranda asked, walking over to us. I just shook my head.

"Fucking emo freak" Miranda spat, directing this at me.

"Okay" I said, not wanting an argument. Johnnie looked straight at me. I could see he was having a hard time to not say anything.

"No one actually likes you, apart from Johnnie and he's Johnnie." She said. I'm not going to lie, this did hurt my feelings so I looked down and just ignored them....well, tried.

"Just fuck off. Alex is amazing and shes got a great personality unlike you. She's fun, perfect, pretty and so much more. Just because shes not exactly like everyone else, doesn't mean that she's less of a person." Johnnie said, holding my hand. He's so sweet, I looked down because I was blushing. I didn't want to cause trouble but this was worth it - to hear Johnnie say those things about me.

"We'll leave you two love birds alone" Miranda said, indicating Julie, Ann and Betty to leave. Me and Johnnie both blushed at this and let go of each others hands. I don't like him like that, do I?

"Did you really mean that?" I asked Johnnie, staring into his blue eyes.

"Every word" Johnnie said. We stared at each other for a moment as we both gradually got closer and closer towards each other, our lips nearly meeting each other until...

"Hello, Class" Miss Huxley, our teacher, said causing me and Johnnie to regain focus and move away from each other. We both looked forward, ignoring the moment.

Did we nearly kiss? Did I even like him like that? Did he like me like that?

Johnnies P.O.V

"So, ermm...I was wondering if you wanted to...ermm...hang out after school? At mine?" I asked. Even though Alex had been to my house before I was just nervous and I don't know why. I always loved Alex as a friend but lately...things were changing. I have always thought of Alex very highly but now I think I was falling in love.

Did I love her?

Did I just have a crush?

Did she love me?

Things were so complicated now. She doesn't like me that way and I didn't want to be turned down.

"Yeah, sure!" Alex said, smiling whilst looking down nervous herself.

"Well, we have all our lessons together so we can go straight to mine after" I say, finally regaining a bit of confidence after the acceptance.

"Awesome" Alex smiled. I loved her smile and laugh and personality and everything about her. I continued walking towards our last lesson, not know how much of this I could take.

Alex's P.O.V

"Wanna peace tea?" I asked, handing one to Johnnie whilst getting one out of my bag for myself.

"I think you're addicted to them. You take at least 5 with you everywhere you go." Johnnie laughed.

"Alright mum!" I joked.

We were walking to Johnnie's and I was going to stay there for a bit. I must admit, it was a bit awkward when he asked me - like he was nervous but why would he be because he's asked loads of time before. I kept forgetting about the kiss we nearly or didn't nearly have - I was still debating what was actually happening. Maybe it was like Frank Iero and the girl in the I'm Not Okay  (I Promise) video where I thought something was going to happen but in Johnnie's head, nothing was going to happen. Distracted by the image of me kissing a very attractive member of My Chemical Romance, I walked down the road towards Johnnie's house.

"So, wanna do a video together?" Johnnie asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked, still sipping on my lemon and tea flavoured peace tea.

"Like, you could upload it on your channel and we could do a different version of it and put it on my channel." Johnnie explained to me. At this point, we had never done a video together but, both being members of MDE, we had frequently watched each others.

"Oh okay!" I said happily.

When we arrived at Johnnie's house, we were greeted by Johnnie's mum.

"Hey, Alex" She said whilst giving me a hug.

"Hi" I responded and hugged her back.

"I'll call you guys down when dinner is ready" She explained so Johnnie grabbed my hand and we climbed upstairs into his room. Even just touching him for this brief moment of time was a moment to be treasured in my eyes.

"So, there's my laptop! Wanna film the video now?" Johnnie aske while downing the rest of his Peace Tea.

"Alright" I said whilst pulling out the rest of the peace teas I had in my bag and also re-applying makeup. We both sat down on his bed whilst turning the video camera on.

"Heyya, I'm Johnnie" Johnnie spoke whilst waving and then pointing to me.

"And I'm Alex" I spoke to the camera whilst waving and then messing about with my blue fringe again. I had no idea what we were doing for the video, guess it's going to be random. I smiled and carried on with the video.

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