Chapter 3

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Johnnies P.O.V

We have had dinner and the video has been up for a couple of hours now and we were already getting people commenting and liking. I opened my phone to check.

Comments on YouTube video

'OMG!! Johnnie you're soo hot!! You and Alex would be so cute together!!'

'Awwww!! OTP!! OTP!!'

'Alex and Johnnie are my OTP! They are too cute together!'

'Wow! Your videos are amazing!! Do more videos with Alex coz you are so adorable together!'

'Wait?! Are you guys finally going out?? You should because I can see the way you look at each other! #revelations #myotp #mustgettogether'

Alex looked through with the comments with me. Part of me was embarrassed but the majority of me was so happy. If everyone thought we should end up together, shouldn't we? I loved her with all my heart but it's just so annoying that she doesn't love me back. I hate my anxiety and the fact that I can't tell her how I feel. I knew she wouldn't think of me in the same way.

Alex's P.O.V

Wow, those comments. I loved all the positivity and the fact that everyone thinks that we should be together. I wish I could tell Johnnie how I feel but I knew that he wouldn't agree and it would ruin our friendship. I didn't want to ruin our friendship because it was so special to me. Whenever I was feeling upset, Johnnie was there. Whenever I was feeling ill, Johnnie was there. Whenever I was feeling anything, Johnnie was there. That's why I loved him. I hated how I couldn't tell him. I just wish there was some way of me knowing if he thought about me in that way but, no, there wasn't. I just smiled at Johnnie whilst he smiled back at me.

Johnnies P.O.V

"Those comments....they...err...bit weird" I said, wanting to take it back because I sounded like a little nerd asking out a hot cheerleader - basically pathetic.

"Yeah, they want us to...errr...get together" Alex replied looking awkward. Great to know that she thought it was awkward to date me...

"Yeah" I looked down.

"So...ermm....what should we reply with?" Alex asked.

"'s...errr...up to you" I said.

"Yeah" Alex asked.

Our faces grew closer and closer together, our lips getting closer and closer and closer together. Was this the moment? I put my hand on her leg as we were both sitting down next to each other. Our lips met and as they did, I was estatic. This was the moment! Her lips felt like velvet as they touched mine. This was the best feeling I ever had.

I kissed Alex Dorame! Would this lead to something? Do I want this to lead to something? Is she going to want it to lead to something?

Alex's P.O.V

OMG!! That just happened!! Did it? Was I just imagining? Did I just imagine the love of my life kissing me? I sure hope I didn't! We finally stopped kissing after a couple of seconds - mainly because we were shocked at the fact that we were kissing.

"I ermm....that was..." I said, struggling to come up with the words.

"Yeah" Johnnie said.

Do I ask him out? What did this mean? Did he even like me?

"So...." I spoke, trying to deflate the awkward situation.

"Look, I need to tell you the truth. I like you, I like you a lot and I've liked you for a while but I've always been scared" Johnnie told me and I was shocked. All this time I had been scared to admit my feelings but yet Johnnie thought the same about me?!

"OMG! That's the same with me. I've liked you for a while now and I've always been too scared to admit it too." I told him, looking into his bright blue eyes. Johnnie took a deep breath before saying,

"Wouldyouliketobemygirlfriend?" Johnnie spoke very quickly, nearly unaudible.

"What?" I laughed, still messing about with my bright blue fringe.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Johnnie asked whilst breathing deeply, nearly having a panic attack.

"Yes" I smiled, so happy. This was amazing!!

I was dating Johnnie Guilbert.
I was dating my crush.
I was dating my dream guy.

"Want to ermm...make it official?" Johnnie nervously asked me.

"How?" I asked intrigued.

"We make a video explaining our relationship?" Johnnie suggested. I loved how his response to everything was make a video. I loved everything about him.

"Okay" I said, taking his hand in mine. He looked right into my eyes before we kissed again. My heart was exploding from too much happiness and excitement.

Johnnie turned on his laptop and turned on his front camera and adjusted the screen so you could see both of us. He then hit record.

"Hey, I'm Johnnie" Johnnie smiled whilst flicking his fringe.

"And I'm Alex" I said.

"And we have an important announcement" Johnnie laughed.

I was in the corner making weird noises because I'm weird and I seem to do that a lot in videos.

"Me and Alex are now dating" Johnnie said as he took me again and kissed me. I loved it but it was a bit weird that he had this sudden confidence boost, I didn't complain though. He then stopped the recording, put music on top of it and edited it before releasing it on YouTube.

"What do you think people will say?" I said nervously.

"I don't know. I wanted to see what people will think so then we don't need to keep it secret or something like that" Johnnie explained, still holding my hand.

With in an instant, comments and likes came flooding in.

'OMG!!! You guys are actually going out!! That's so cute'

'Awwwwwww!!! Love you guys <3'

'You guys are adorable together <3'

These comments were a few of many, already. I turned to Johnnie and then looked down in embarrassment.

"What?" Johnnie asked whilst half laughing

"Nothing" I smiled.

"Shit - you're late home" Johnnie said before looking down at his watch.

"Whoops, I'll just text my mum" I explained, not panicking that much because my mum is very understanding.

"Okay, I'll walk you home because it's dark" Johnnie offered, pulling me into his chest - this made my heart flutter.

"Then who will walk you back? I'm fine, I'm a big girl and I can look after myself" I joked around.

"Nope! I'm coming with you! Now you've said yes, you're stuck with me!" Johnnie giggled.

"Well, I'm not complaining" I said before he placed his lips on mine again - he sure knew how to make me smile.

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